Stieg Larsson remembered

    The speech given by his partner Eva Gabrielsson to the Observatorio
    contra la Violencia Domestica y de Genero


Good evening all representatives of /Observatorio contra la Violencia 
Domestica y de Genero/. Ladies and gentlemen, As you already may know, 
Stieg Larsson was not interested in public attention about himself as a 
private person. To become a media celebrity was for him unthinkable. 
Writing just for money as a mainstream journalist or commercial author 
was his very nightmare. He did not want to be visible like that. Stieg 
Larsson wanted to make people and societies visible.

When I met Stieg Larsson in 1972 he defined himself as a feminist. This 
was unusual. He saw the situation of women at an early age and never 
stopped seeing it.

Stieg Larsson's actions and his views of the world, can mainly be 
understood from a perspective of women's rights. However, his concern 
was all violence against people who are branded "wrong" at some "wrong" 
point in time. Sooner or later we might all be affected since we all 
belong to some minority.

This is barbarism with a high risk factor, since it can erode 
civilisation from within.

One example is from Autumn 2003, when Cecilia Englund worked with Stieg 
at Expo on a book entitled "The Debate on Honorary Killings", where 
parallels were drawn between the almost simultaneous murders of a 
kurdish woman named Fadime Sahindal and a Swedish model named Melissa 
Nordell. Sahindal's murder was described as an "honorary killing" and 
something foreign to "Swedish culture". Nordell's murder was - just an 
"ordinary murder".

Stieg called them "sisters in death", both victims of the same 
patriarchal behaviour to control through violence. To view this as a 
question of culture only opened the door towards racism or endless 
research about ethnicity. While women would continue to be battered and 
killed. The book's subtitle was consequently "Feminism or Racism". This 
is what Stieg Larsson said in this anthology:

"The forms of oppression differ - but not the cause of oppression. The 
forms vary dramatically between Sicilian honorary murders, burning 
widows in India or battering of girlfriends and wives on Saturdays 
nights in Sweden. The culture does not explain the underlying causes as 
to why the women of the world are being murdered, disfigured, 
circumcised, beaten and forced into different forms of ritual behaviour 
decided by men - the causes being that men in patriarchal societies 
oppress women.

This is a systematic violence against women - for this is exactly what 
it is about - and would be described as such, if violence of the same 
proportions were directed against trade unionists, jews or handicapped 
people. Feminism and anti-racism are two sides of the same coin. None of 
them must be implemented at the other's expense." Stieg Larsson wanted 
to make all these dangers visible.

The Millennium crime novel trilogy is a new way of making discrimination 
and violence against women visible. I am sorry that the illusion of 
Sweden as a just and equal society happened to be shattered in the 
process. Millennium shows that Sweden is as good - or as bad - as other 
countries and by no means perfect. This is all for the better. We need 
good maps of reality in our journey through life, and not illusions. The 
castles of our dreams can otherwize become our mental prisons.

As the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish wrote: "Tell me how you lived 
your dream in some place, and I'll tell you who you are"

Finally: This prize of the Observatorio is most unusual in general. It 
is also most unusual in particular. I wish to underline, that is the 
first award ever given for Stieg Larsson's question of the heart - women 
and womens' situation in our patriarchal societies. He would be honoured 
by being in the same company as the four earlier award winners.

Nothing would please him more, than knowing that this inner meaning of 
Millennium has been seen, listened to and understood, and now made 
visible once more, in yet another way - by this prize from /Observatorio 
contra la Violencia Domestica y de Genero/, today.

On behalf of my lifelong partner, lover and best friend, Stieg Larsson - 
the man who loved women - thank you very much.,news,stieg-larsson-remembered-by-eva-gabrielsson

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