S. Artesian (sartes...@earthlink.net) wrote on 2009-10-05 at 18:22:09 in  
about Re: [Marxism] China's nationalized sector has key role incurrentgains:
> Overproduction is always the overproduction of capital; the overproduction 
> of commodities beyond the ability of the market, the relations of 
> production, to provide the required return.
> Overproduction is not underconsumption.  

  This is only half-full / half-empty. 

  When overproduction is the production beyond the ability to realize the 
values produced as commodities, then it is also underconsumption in relation 
to the amount of commodities and the value embodied in them, i.e. the market 
does not consume enough. 


Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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