On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 20:33:24 -0700
John Obrien <causecollec...@msn.com> wrote:
> Is Michael Smith arguing that people in the United States should be urging 
> that all people of color and women, also be barred immediately from being in 
> the U. S. military?  That seems to be where his logic leads.

You're under-generalizing. My ideal would be that *nobody* should be 
eligible for military service. Failing that, if we eliminate the female 
half, and the what, 40% "people of color", and the what, 25% same-sexers -- 
well then, it would be pretty hard to put those boots on the ground, wouldn't 
it? And wouldn't that be a Good Thing? 

I expect most people in oh say Afghanistan would think so. 


Michael Smith

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