***Please circulate***

Don't miss your chance to hear Afghanistan's Malalai Joya in New York 
City this week

Malalai Joya -- now 31 and who in 2005 was youngest person elected to 
the Afghan Parliament -- is in the United States to launch her book, A 
Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to 
Speak Out. Co-written with Canadian activist and writer Derrick O'Keefe, 
A Woman Among Warlords is an important and timely book. Malalai Joya's 
personal story is inspiring, and her political message is an 
uncompromising appeal for an end to NATO's occupation of Afghanistan and 
the impunity of the warlords of the Karzai regime. Don't miss this rare 
chance to hear her in person.

"It is hard to find words to capture the incredible courage of this 
amazing young woman...Joya is raising an eloquent voice, and we owe to 
her, and to her people, to listen carefully, to learn, and to act." - 
Noam Chomsky

Public Events

-Monday October 26, 4-6 pm:

CUNY Queens College in Rosenthal Library RM 230, 65-30 Kissena Blvd, 
Flushing, NY.

-Tuesday October 27, 3-5 pm:

Center for Place, Culture, and Politics, Skylight Room (9th floor), The 
Graduate Center, City University of New York, 365 Fifth Ave, New York. 
Panel moderated by GritTV's Laura Flanders.

-Wednesday, October 27, 7pm:

15th St Friends Meeting House, 15 Rutherford Place

The Nation Institute, Iraq Veterans Against the War Mark Kurlansky, 
author of Non-Violence: The History of a Dangerous Idea and Veteran war 
correspondent and Institute Fellow Chris Hedges, author of War is a 
Force That Gives Us Meaning invite you to an evening of mobilization 
against the war in Afghanistan. Malalai Joya, the outspoken female 
politician and member of the Afghan parliament, as well as American 
combat veterans from the conflict in Afghanistan, will discuss the 
reality of the war, its consequences for the Afghan people and the 
effects on our troops.

At a time when our military commanders concede that we are rapidly 
losing ground to the Taliban insurgents, it is vital that we recognize 
the consequences of the war and the dangerous direction it could take if 
we permit further military escalation. The event is free and open to the 

More information about her book tour: 

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