Aside from the idiotic charges of the FSP being a tool of the CIA or the
issue regarding Trotsky's metaphors, here is the article in question. It is
apparently in the current edition of the Freedom Socialist. It has rather
harsh words towards Raul Castro and I don't know what to make of it all.
Parts of the article are surprisingly negative such as:

>The Cuban Communist Party (CCP) adopted the treacherous and deceitful 
>Stalinist policy of building "socialism in one country." Using this as 
>justification, the CCP repeatedly betrayed proletarian struggles throughout 
>Latin America.....
I would have thought that Cuba's role in Angola and Southern Africa would
have placed it a bit above being described as "treacherous" and having
simply "adopted the ... Stalinist policy of building 'socialism in one

I would call the following quite an understatement: "Serious inroads were
made against the poverty, racism and sexual exploitation....." And not much
credit is given to the early revolutionary leadership where it claims that
they had been "pushed by U.S. aggression into nationalizing foreign
holdings, banking....."

I'm surprised that the FSP has become so negative towards the Cuban
leadership, although the present dangers discussed in the article are
surely valid. 


Cuba's fate: balanced on a razor's edge 
Susan Williams, M.D. 
October 2009 
For five decades, the Cuban people have valiantly defended their goal of
socialism against economic, political and military pressure. Today,
however, their revolution is in danger as never before.

With an economy that's been on life support since the 1990s, Cuba is trying
to survive the current global crisis while it copes with $10 billion in
damage caused by last year's hurricanes. In these circumstances, how much
longer can the island stave off capitalism's return?

There are steps that could be taken within Cuba to protect the gains of the
1959 revolution until workers' victories in other countries make mutual aid
possible. But the bureaucracy headed by Raúl Castro is accelerating in the
wrong direction, sharpening the threat of capitalist restoration and the
need for a 180-degree change of course. 

At risk: all the revolution has gained. The stakes are great - for Cuba,
and for the rest of the world. Generations have been inspired by seeing
what's possible when the profiteers are sent packing. 

Cuba launched campaigns that made healthcare, education and housing
universal. Serious inroads were made against the poverty, racism and sexual
exploitation created by centuries of colonization and dictatorship. 

Pushed by U.S. aggression into nationalizing foreign holdings, banking and
other key industries, Cuban leaders were able to plan centrally and control
trade, improving life vastly.

But the new workers state suffered from the outset from a major deformity.
The people were never the makers of crucial decisions: which goods would be
produced and how; what social benefits would be provided; whether to aid
sister and brother rebels in other lands. Instead these decisions were made
by a bureaucracy politically similar to Stalin's regime in the USSR,
although it never installed the bloody police state that Stalin did.

The Cuban Communist Party (CCP) adopted the treacherous and deceitful
Stalinist policy of building "socialism in one country." Using this as
justification, the CCP repeatedly betrayed proletarian struggles throughout
Latin America, abandoning them to Cuba's perceived self-interest in
negotiating ddétente with world imperialism.

Socialism, however, can only exist as an international system, with sharing
and coordination of global goods and resources. As long as capitalism
controls most of the world market, the fate of any workers state remains
precarious. Capitalism's recapture of the Soviet bloc and China is a harsh
proof of this.

Peril from without and within. When the USSR collapsed, Cuba lost its key
trade partner, one that bought sugar and other exports and sold industrial
technology and other vital imports on favorable terms. Cuba's economy fell
into desperate straits. Ever the humanitarian, the U.S. escalated its
embargo, trying to starve out the revolution.

In response, the CCP initiated measures to attract the desperately needed
hard currency it could use on the capitalist world market. The reforms
brought foreign capital to Cuba. With it came the danger of reversion to
the dominance of the profit system, with its inevitable exploitation and

As foreign business expanded in Cuba, so did inequality, as some groups of
people gained access to more income, benefits and outright bribes. Black
Cubans experienced greater racism, particularly in the fast-growing tourism
industry. Prostitution reappeared. 

No one could live on the average state salary of $20 a month, so the black
market flourished, as did corruption. Everyone is frustrated by the lack of
consumer goods. Many young people are becoming alienated from the
revolution their grandparents made.

Events of the past year are alarming. President Raúl Castro has opened the
door to even more intense inequality by removing salary caps and
instituting production incentives, saying that workers in favored positions
should “make as much as they can.” Untilled state land is being turned over
to private agriculture.

On the world scene, Cuba has thrown its lot in with popular-front
governments in Latin America. These are governments like Venezuela's, whose
leaders talk a good pro-worker line, and come to power with the support of
workers and the poor, but offer no real challenge to capitalism. These
countries are trying to improve their position in the world economy through
a trade bloc called the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America

For an isolated workers state, trade alliances with capitalist countries
are unavoidable. The harm done by Cuban officials is in painting these
deals as part of the road to socialism rather than a hazardous but
necessary detour.

Keep the revolution alive! Cuba's great potential saving grace is that the
voice of the people, while muffled, was never silenced. Vibrant discussions
are taking place in the streets and on the Internet.

An array of militant voices in Cuba are calling for the very steps that
would breathe new life into the revolution: decision-making power in the
hands of workers' and peasants' councils; tightened state control of
foreign trade and the reversal of privatizations; freedom of speech,
association, travel and Internet access for workers; autonomy for unions
and mass organizations; and foreign policy guided by revolutionary

One example is a program circulated by former diplomat Pedro Campos and
co-thinkers that calls for workers' democracy and demands that the CCP
allow internal factions. The program was circulated on the Spanish-language and widely discussed during the past year. Proponents
hoped to present it at the CCP's upcoming sixth congress, making it "the
trigger for a national democratization." 

But Raúl Castro seems determined to tighten bureaucratic control rather
than let the people be heard. Some revolutionary critics, like kaosenlared
contributor Miguel Arencibia Daupés, have been harassed and lost their
state jobs. And, on July 31, Raúl announced the postponement of the party
congress. Days later came the news that more state companies would be put
under the management of the army, which Raúl has headed for decades and
which plays a major role in the joint enterprises that brought foreign
capitalists into Cuba. 

Meanwhile, Barack Obama announced in August an end to limits on travel and
money sent to families in Cuba by U.S. relatives. But his real interest is
in opening a door to Cuba for U.S. corporations.

Sympathetic working people across the world should look for ways to support
the advocates of socialist workers' democracy within Cuba. At the same
time, the fight to keep the U.S. boot off Cuba's neck must grow stronger.
This means demanding an end to the embargo and to all U.S. interference -
military threats, undercover CIA-type action, and economic coercion.

Just as only workers' democracy can force the necessary course change on
the island, Cuba cannot survive alone forever. The final chapter of this
epic struggle must be the building of a revolutionary U.S. movement
powerful enough to stop U.S. aggression around the globe and win an
egalitarian society in the heartland of imperialism. Start it up!

Susan Williams, a cofounder of Doctors Council Local 10MD, SEIU, can be
contacted at

Este artículo en español/ This article in Spanish

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