Carrol said exactly this:  "For example, several posters
on this list still hold grimly to FROP as  an economic law, building huge
fantasies on that that are little better than extablishment econ in
understanding current conditions.)"

Sounds like an accusation to me-- I think it's that part about "building 
huge fantasies...that are little better than establishment econ"  that does 
it for me/

I've never read Postone, but I've read all the works Carrol thinks 
constitute the core of Marxism and I would be more than happy to analyze the 
rise and fall in the rate of profit, actually using a proxy called "rate of 
return," and how that correlates with what has happened between 2003 and 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Les Schaffer" <>
To: "David Schanoes" <>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Paul LeBlanc: Why I Am Joining the ISO 

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