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(I tried to clear this up a little and left out the Hegelian crap since in  
fact al of made the same general error. OK. I was being a pinprick. Less  
pin  . . .) 

The revolution from feudalism to capitalism was a social revolution,  
compelling society to reorganize itself around a new technology regime. The  
social revolution begins - is excited to life, as the result of a qualitative  
change in the material power of production. The revolution in the material 
power  of production is not indifferent to the existing property relations, 
but  interpenetrates it, and finally shatters its boundaries to the degree 
these  boundaries prevent - fetter, the quantitative expansion of the new 
technological  regime. 
The revolution from feudalism to capitalism was defined as such amid social 
 and political upheaval where the decisive battles were waged in the 
political  superstructure. The political superstructure - with the property 
relations  within, manifest the strivings of a complex of classes.  The real 
social  revolution was from manufacture to industrial production, with the 
property  relations within. 
Manufacture is a specific organization or of labor. The property relation  
within that has been at work, within a specific organization of labor blinds 
the  revolutionary to the elementary. No matter how it is explained, at the 
end of  the day, social revolution comes about because of revolution in the 
material  power of production. A change in the form of wealth and its 
corresponding  expression in class cannot produce social revolution on its own, 
only political  revolt. In such a context no matter what class wins the 
political contest, the  technological unpinning of society stays the same, even 
when the property form  undergoes partial change. 
Consequently, many have written eloquent protestations against “the  
industrial monstrosity” conceived and articulated as the ultimate in human  
freedom. The problem is that no one could see beyond the industrial monstrosity 
until a new technological regime emerged. 
The material power of production is the more mobile aspect of the unity  
that is mode of production. Both - means of production and social relations of 
 production are mobile as the one express itself through the other. One is 
more  mobile than the other. Which one is the most mobile depends on the 
development  of the social process at a given moment. 
You wrote: 
“The overture to an era of social revolution is, as Marx put it, the  
conflict between the means of production and the social relations of  
production-- between the organization of the means of production in a specific  
form of 
property, and the demands for the reproduction of that specific property  
which can no longer be satisfied by the means of production when organized in 
 that form. Coincidentally, as the opposite identity of this process,  
organization of the specific property relations encapsulating production become 
an obstacle to the further development of the means of production." 
(end  quote) 
Social revolution does not come about as the result of “the conflict”  
between means of production and the social relations of production. The 
conflict  between means and relations of production drives a specific 
of  labor, as it is productive, through all its quantitative boundaries of  
Revolution comes about because of revolution in the material power of  
production or the productive forces. It is precisely the revolution in the  
productive forces that sets the stage for the emergence of antagonism between  
means of production and social relations. The leap - transition, is a product 
of  antagonism rather than contradiction or rather conflict. 
Marx talks about how the steam engine served as a catalyst for the  
revolution in the material power of production. He also describes in detail the 
impact of the cotton gin. It is the quantitative addition of a new quality - a 
 new technology regime, which brings to an end, the intensive and extensive 
 expansion of production on the old basis. In this instance, the old 
organization  of production was manufacture, which in turn superseded 
as the  qualifying character of the material organization of productive 
forces. This  happens because the new technological regime is a more efficient 
form of  deployment of human-labor. 
The very real conflict you speak of - (between the organization of the  
means of production in a specific form of property, and the demands for the  
reproduction of that specific property) drives a specific organization of 
human  labor + machinery + external energy source through all its boundaries of 
quantitative expansion. You write that at a certain stage of quantitative  
expansion of the production forces, these productive forces inhibit and 
prevent  reproduction of the social relations with the property relation 
in which  they have been at work. Here is how this is written: 
"Coincidentally, as the opposite identity of this process, organization of  
the specific property relations encapsulating production become an obstacle 
to  the further development of the means of production." 
Marx writes the same things as: 
"At a certain stage of their development, the material productive forces of 
 society come in conflict with the existing relations of production, or — 
what is  but a legal expression for the same thing — with the property 
relations within  which they have been at work hitherto. From forms of 
of the  productive forces, these relations turn into their fetters. Then 
begins an epoch  of social revolution.” 
I believe that Marx wrote this as it appears because in 1859 it was self  
evident he was speaking of the impact - injection, of a new technology into 
what  had become old forms and organization of labor. It was self-evident he 
was  speaking of a new technological regime as it quantitatively 
reconfigured the  entire society infrastructure. 
Does quantitative expansion leads to - produces, quality change or  
antagonism between the forward advances of productive forces and stagnate 
relations, property? What causes the property relation to become an obstacle 
to  the further development of productive forces is not just the 
quantitative  expansion or increase in density of the existing productive 
A new quality or new qualitative definition must enter the process to  
produce the material for a leap. By leap is meant "process of transition" or 
 the stages of quantitative additions of the new quality that reconfigure  
productive forces on a new basis. 
This tiny thing called "revolution in the productive forces" was understood 
 as "conflict narrative," rather than the impact of a new quality- 
technology,  into an existing system of production.  First, a new quality must 
injected into the existing system of production, in order for the law of  
quantity leading to qualitative change to come into operations. Exponential  
growth of productive forces remains quantitative change, or more of the same  
thing.  If nothing qualitatively changes then nothing qualitatively  
The new quality makes its historical entrance as a new technology, which is 
 the productive of the most revolutionary of all productive forces, the 
human  mind. Change does not occur all at one time. It is the quantitative 
accumulation  of the new quality - technology regime, which produces the leap - 
transition, or  rather the dialectic of transition - the leap. This appears 
as the emergence of  new technological clusters. It is at a certain 
quantitative stage of the  development of these new clusters that entire new 
of production emerge.  At a certain stage in the growth of the new 
technology clusters, a nodal point  is reach and crossed - nodal line, and new 
systems began to operate based on the  new technology regime. 
Marx kept it simple and said the steam engine produces the industrial  
revolution. He did not mean the steam engine by itself or the cotton gin in  
isolation of the advance of science. Actually, I cannot say what Marx meant, 
but  it seems what was implied was the clustering together of the new 
harnessing of  energy and labor power expressed in the steam engine and cotton 
In the field of production, as social relations, a quantitative increase of 
 the same thing, or rather the increase in the same configuration of 
machinery +  labor + energy source cannot produce a qualitative leap. We have 
explain what  causes the leap or transition to a new quality. 
I took very serious your article on the semiconductor industry, which  
consolidated the leap in my understanding. This article positions everything  
good: concentration of capital, organic composition of capital and impact on  
falling rate of profit and capital flight seeking maximum profitability. The 
one  ingredient left out of this terrific article - brilliant I would say, 
is the  impact of the semi-conductor industry on the old technological base  
infrastructure, of the productive forces. You analyzed the semi conductor 
from  inside the process of production, which was the articles purpose. What 
of impact  on the existing configuration of production? 
I always felt you approached the subject from inside the process because  
that is what you do and you do this pretty well. 
Maybe six or seven years ago, we exchanged some writings from Marx Theory  
of Surplus Value, Vol 3 I think, on the external collision of opposites and 
the  emergence of antagonism. What I could not account for is this: “what is 
it that  drives a "thing" to leap outside the process that birthed it, and 
stand in  external collision with the very process of its birth? 
I could not answer this question because of asking the wrong question. Some 
 other communist did solve the problem of conflict narrative. 
The conflict narrative is what is written ii the 1939 Soviet Textbook of  
Marxists Philosophy. What account for the leap and emergence of antagonism? 
Here  is how the Soviets presented matters. Pardon the lengthy quote. 

“The contradiction of any process is resolved, not by some external  force, 
as think the mechanists, hut by the development of the contradiction  
itself. This is true also in regard to antagonistic contradictions. But in the  
course of development of an antagonistic contradiction at its different 
stages,  only the premises for its resolution are prepared and ripen. The 
contradiction  itself at every new stage becomes ever more intensified. An 
antagonistic  contradiction does not pass beyond the stages of its partial 
Thus the periodic crises of capitalism arc a violent form in which the  
contradictions of a given cycle of capitalist reproduction find their  
resolution; but in relation to the contradictions of the capitalist means of  
production as a whole, these crises emerge only as landmarks of the further  
intensification of these contradictions and of the ripening of the forces 
for the violent overthrow of capitalism. 
Antagonistic contradictions are resolved by the kind of leap in which the  
internal opposites emerge as relatively independent opposites, external to 
each  other, by a leap that leads to the abolition of the formerly dominant 
opposite  and to the establishment of a new contradiction. In this 
contradiction, the  subordinated opposite- of the previous contradiction now 
the dominant  opposite, preserving a number of its peculiarities and 
determining by itself the  form of the new contradiction, especially at the 
stages of its  development. But in contradictions that do not have an 
antagonistic   character, the development, of the contradiction signifies not 
the growth  of the forces making for its final resolution, but each new step 
in the  development of the contradiction is at the same time also its 
partial  resolution.” (End Quote) 
The modern proletariat of which Marx speaks is the product of two  
simultaneous events: revolution in the productive forces and bourgeois private  
property. The modern proletariat is modern in relationship to industrial  
implements of production, described as cooperation in Capital Vol. 1 and  
proletariat in regards to the property form. What creates him? 
Marx answer is the “advance of industry” or the industrial revolution. You 
 have generally answered the question of creation as “the advance of 
industry  combined with the workers defeat, which imposes the proletarian form 
servitude upon them.” 
The Soviet narrative describes the class struggle as it is driven by  
successive quakes of crisis of overproduction, each one more violent than the  
other, and on this basis the proletariat enters into antagonism with the  
bourgeois power. The proletariat is birthed in antagonism with the bourgeoisie  
and the quantitative expansion of the productive forces pushes it into 
crisis  with the bourgeoisie. In the process of struggle for survival, the 
proletariat  is pushed outside or leaps outside the struggle between employer 
employed  and appears in external collision with the bourgeoisie power 
expressed in the  state. At the point of conquest of political power, the 
proletariat becomes the  dominant class in society and abolishes its 
anti-thesis - 
the bourgeois class. 
“The proletariat is birthed in antagonism with the bourgeoisie and the  
quantitative expansion of the productive forces pushes it into crisis with the  
bourgeoisie.” Crisis alone is not sufficient to produce qualitative change. 
Is  capital - as a historically evolved social relation of production, a 
property  relation, birthed in antagonism with itself? No. 
Well, here I go back onto the proverbial limb. 
Wage labor is “the opposite identity of this process” that is capital.  
Capital is not birthed in antagonism with the electro-mechanical process or 
what  is called industrialization. Capital - as a property relation, is 
birthed in  antagonism with the landed property relations and the limited bound 
 manufacture. Capital evolves and progresses in contradiction with its 
opposite  identity. Cooperation stands in antagonism with the limited bound of  
manufacture. Cooperation annihilates manufacture organization of labor. 
Capital  in its opposite identity is birthed in antagonism with the serf form 
labor,  which is the opposite identity of the nobility as the landed 
property relations. 
It is the quantitative addition of a new quality to an existing system of  
production that transforms a "conflict" into an antagonism. 
At least this was my first impression. 
The conflict - contradiction, which is the "organization of the specific  
property relations encapsulating production", does not become antagonistic to 
 the historical specific organization of production that birthed it and in 
which  it houses. That is contradiction does not become antagonistic at a 
certain stage  of development of the contradiction. 
This proposition is specifically what Chairman Mao wrote. The conflict  
between say the serf and nobility never became antagonistic because it could  
not. Antagonism is a concept of negating or sublating through a path of  
destruction or annihilating of a previously existing unity. 
An existing state of development of production - quality, cannot become  
antagonistic to itself, based on an intensive and extensive quantitative  
increase of itself, because an existing state of development of production  
encased in property, has its own history and had in turn mad it’s appearance  
within the womb of an old relations - unity, as antagonism. 
The addition of a new quality reconfiguring productive forces creates new  
classes - forms of class, corresponding to the new technology regime. 
Because  the new classes are housed in and expressed based on property, they 
birthed  in antagonism with the old form of property. The new classes exist 
in  contradiction with themselves and antagonism with the old classes 
precisely  because they are expressions of property. 
The application of electricity to the industrial process created the  
industrial machinist. The application of the semiconductor to the industrial  
process creates a class of software workers. These new classes, or rather form  
of class are birthed in antagonism with the pre-existing system of 
Contradiction or "the conflict" does not become antagonistic. 
Contradiction gives way - is superseded, by antagonism. Conflict remains  
driving a system through its quantitative boundaries. 
Consequently, the previous generations of communists and Marxist could not  
explain the behavior of the industrial proletariat at the front of the 
curve.  We, I, felt that imperial bribery of the workers was the problem and 
with  revolutionary fortitude we could overcome what turned out to be a problem 
of  productive forces development. Then I started trying to write from the  
standpoint of boundaries in the development of the industrial system. 
The serf could no more overthrow the system of feudalism than the  
industrial workers did did could over throw the system of industrial  
of labor - with the property relations within. What overthrows  feudalism is 
the revolution in productive forces as it creates new classes  hostile to 
the old system of production and its corresponding property forms. 
Read your article on the semiconductor industry inside out.  Then  consider 
if what you describe is the internal operation of a new technological  
regime. The semiconductor ain’t no modified steam engine. 
What saved the capitalist system is not imperialism or bribery of the  
workers in say the post World War II years. Marx presents the equation. 
“No social order ever perishes before all the productive forces for which  
there is room in it have developed; and new, higher relations of production  
never appear before the material conditions of their existence have matured 
in  the womb of the old society itself. Therefore mankind always sets 
itself only  such tasks as it can solve; since, looking at the matter more 
closely, it will  always be found that the tasks itself arises only when the 
material conditions  of its solution already exist or are at least in the 
of formation.” 
“(F)or which there is room - space?, in it have developed.” 
How does one make a concrete assessment and estimate of how much room is  
left in a social system configured based on a specific organization of 
machinery  + labor + energy configuration? 
There is only one way. By looking backwards and trying to figure out to  
what degree, the old social system has been negated - sublated. Consequently,  
every generation of Marxist, no matter what orientation made the same 
historical  error. The conflict narrative is a historical limitation and not 
evil  deviation. 
For “which there is room” for the development of the productive forces, is 
 in fact the story of conflict and at what point conflict is superseded by  
antagonism.  At this point and moment in time, under conditions of  
property, “which there is room” is defined by the emergence of a new  
technological regime that brings to an end expansion of the productive forces 
on  the 
old basis. 
Antagonism supersedes contradiction. Conflict remains. 
The generations of man are much to young for the knowing of the creators.  
As toilers we were created and as toilers we remain, enchanted by the gold 
never  meant for us. 
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