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The words that constantly come out of Chavez's mouth are reflective of a
hollow anti-imperialism and the fact that he and Morales are running
left-nationalist popular fronts.  I doubt a union of South American Soviets
were about to pop up before Chavez and co. came around---- so I'm not
attacking him or the PSUV, but I don't think anyone seriously thinks a new
international can be built around the Bolivarian "Revolution" and the
theoretical ruminations of Castro.  This time around it's just a farce.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:07 AM, Shane Hopkinson <s.hopkin...@cqu.edu.au>wrote:

> I'm not overly concerned about Chavez' view of any other person - we need
> to be concerned about what he's doing for the working people of Venezuela
> and what (if anything) we can learn from it - not defending everything that
> comes out his mouth.
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