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See also:Committee of Family Members of the Detained and Disappeared in
Honduras: De Facto Government Preparing Repression in Run-up to

Honduras: The unequivocal signs of what is

Nov. 21, 2009 

by Ricardo Salgado

 The events in Honduras during the last ten days oblige us to act
immediately to ensure the safety of as many of our people as possible from
the repressive onslaught that the fascists are preparing, the unequivocal
signs of which increase day by day.

The virulent selective repression against members of the resistance recently
has become a constant. They have moved beyond the bombs of "lies" in the
commercial centers and on the properties of wealthy putschists to murder
attempts against civilians that they have profiled during more than 140 days
of struggle.

 Added to this there is a formidable military deployment throughout the
country. The military checkpoints on the highways where they stop vehicles,
especially public transportation, to carry out searches without any
explanation, are part of a brazen campaign of intimidation that they are
executing with U.S. complicity.

 The principal cities, accustomed since the coup to the "reappearance" of
the sinister military actor, have noted the growing presence of diverse army
units. One can visit any establishment and they are there, like guardians of
the transnational fortune, but also like customers. Yesterday as I was
buying a coffee, my attention was drawn to a military man who doing the
same, dressed in his combat uniform, which identified his unit as

 Sharpshooters buying coffee during working hours—that is an uncommon scene
in today's societies. They have become the terrifying part of the daily
scenery of Hondurans. Furthermore, it doesn't take much for them to change
into their role of repressive beasts.

 There have been several murder attempts against members of the resistance
in Olancho, Tegucigalpa and Santa Barbara. A police spokesman recently
announced with vehemence but without concern that they had become aware of
an escalation of violence by drug trafficking groups during the days leading
up to the elections. It is surprising how a police force that until six
months ago was a model of ineptitude is now capable of solving cases within
hours and even announcing ahead of time the plans of drug traffickers whom
they have never been able to control.

 The Honduran Air Force has been carrying out low altitude flights over
villages in several regions of the country. They do this during daytime
hours as if to demonstrate their presence to populations that otherwise have
been permanently forgotten and rarely see an airplane. At night the activity
changes, and around the Toncontín airport during the past four months there
has been intense activity EVERY DAY by NON COMMERCIAL flights.

 We don't know if this activity is the same in Palmerola [the U.S. air
base], or at the San Pedro Sula or La Ceiba airports. What they do is more
difficult to prove even though everything seems to indicate a process of
accumulating military supplies, and probably the complementary activity of
other items. In Tegucigalpa this activity has not diminished for one single
day in these months.

 The brazenness—or the stupidity—grow when the secretary of public health
makes an order suspending vital services at all of the public hospitals in
the country. Every surgery set for between Nov. 19 and Dec. 4 must be
cancelled. As many beds as possible must be freed. Furthermore each hospital
administrator is ordered to prepare a contingency plan as soon as possible.

 Of course the gringos are not on the margins of this. State Department
spokesman Ian Kelly gave an unusual statement on Thursday: "The United
States is concerned about the violations of human rights in Honduras; we are
following this closely and it will have a lot of weight on our decision on
whether to recognize the elections or not." Kelly's statement seems more
like a prophecy than a concern.

 They, the gringos, are the architects of the whole conspiracy, and they are
likewise complicit in this part of the plan. To put it simply, as in all of
their convenient evaluations of the facts they will categorize the violence
in accordance with their best interest. It is possible they will end up
saying that the violence caused by the action of the resistance provoked the
repressors, who were defending public order.

All of the actions described are not isolated occurrences. They are part of
a strategy, of a single plan of action, which has been elaborated by
military intelligence with the respective advice of Zionist terrorists,
Colombian paramilitaries and the classic wise men of the CIA and the

 The report of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Honduras,
CODEH, about one of the plans to carry out a massacre during the days
leading up to and on the day of the elections, is not an idea without
support. By accident I was made aware of the information that a high
official of the armed forces warned a close relative, "If you are going to
go out to vote, do it early; at 11:00 in the morning the shit will start."

 During a radio appearance yesterday, Andrés Pavón, president of the CODEH,
and Rafael Alegría, leader of Vía Campesina and of the National Resistance
Front, laid out this plan in detail. But in spite of having been made
public, it does not seem to have been aborted.

 As a complementary action, they have decreed a general disarmament of the
population beginning Monday, Nov. 23. They will surely carry out aggressive
operations against popular urban neighborhoods and rural communities in
resistance. They seem to have left no loose ends.

 The only option remaining is to accelerate a process of popular preparation
regarding the measures to take for the coming wave of repression. Until now
the population has been advised to not go out to vote in order to maintain
security. I have not yet seen a consistent plan preparing the population for
the possible repression in the poor zones of the most important cities and
in key areas of the resistance in the interior of the country.

 An additional ingredient of this plan is the closing of the media that are
aligned with the resistance. Yesterday they took Cholusat Sur off the air,
and it is not irrational to think that Radio Globo will be closed under any
pretext in the beginning of the week. These closures are aimed not only at
silencing the voices against the fraudulent process of the 29th but also at
avoiding the dissemination of instructions and recommendations to the

 At this stage we should be preparing a campaign to organize the people, as
if we were dealing with a catastrophic phenomenon.

 Many critics will say that I am paranoid, and that I am falling victim to
my phobias. But even if the military and paramilitaries ended up doing
nothing, the signs that we receive indicate that we should move in the
direction of prevention and denunciation. No action will be superfluous. It
will be much worse to adopt a passive attitude and regret it later on.

 If it is true that the multinational and putschist media will say nothing,
at least until they can verify the bodies, the prisoners and the wounded,
the alternative media will surely support us in the cause of denunciation.
>From the so-called international community (UN, OAS and others) we should
expect nothing, except possibly a condemnatory resolution, as useless as all
of the rest.

 We are the only ones who can work on prevention. We should prepare our
people responsibly to face everything. Let us recall that the panic that
these military are creating also impacts the bourgeois and the misnamed
middle class; these normally react by compulsively stockpiling food, water,
fuel and other items, causing a disorganized shortage of food and necessary

 A plan should be produced and disseminated immediately in order to
safeguard the physical integrity of the people, but also to guarantee that
it does not enter a situation of calamity. In this, organization and
solidarity play an extremely important role.

 There is still much to do; the hours are limited, we need organization.
This mobilization will give a clear demonstration of our capacity for the
future struggle. We should be efficient, disciplined, tenacious, valiant.
Nothing less is required now.

We cannot give ourselves the luxury of making mistakes at this moment; the
signs are very clear and the macabre plan of the putschist assassins may
turn into a great popular triumph. It all depends on us.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original
virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through
disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man Under

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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