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NY Times, November 26, 2009
Soul-Searching in Turkey After a Gay Man Is Killed

ISTANBUL — For Ahmet Yildiz, a stocky and affable 26-year-old, the 
choice to live openly as a gay man proved deadly. Prosecutors say his 
own father hunted him down, traveling more than 600 miles from his 
hometown to shoot his son in an old neighborhood of Istanbul.

Mr. Yildiz was killed 16 months ago, the victim of what sociologists say 
is the first gay honor killing in Turkey to surface publicly. He was 
shot five times as he left his apartment to buy ice cream. A witness 
said dozens of neighbors watched the killing from their windows, but 
refused to come forward. His body remained unclaimed by his family, a 
grievous fate under Muslim custom.

His father, Yahya Yildiz, whose trial in absentia began in September, is 
on the run and believed to be hiding in northern Iraq.

The case, which has caused a bout of national soul-searching, has 
underlined the tensions between the secular modern Turkey of 
cross-dressing pop stars and a more traditionalist Turkey, in which 
conservative Islam increasingly holds sway.

Ahmet Kaya, Ahmet Yildiz’s cousin, said Mr. Yildiz was the only son of a 
deeply religious and wealthy Kurdish family from Sanliurfa, in the 
predominantly Kurdish southeast.

Mr. Kaya said Mr. Yildiz, a straight-A physics student who had hoped to 
become a teacher, was tutoring fellow students so he could make extra 
money to live independently. But by coming out as gay in a patriarchal 
tribal family, he had become the ultimate affront to both religious and 
filial honor, even with parents who adored him.

“Ahmet’s father had warned him to return to their village and to see a 
doctor and imam in order to cure him of his homosexuality and get 
married, but Ahmet refused,” Mr. Kaya said. “Ahmet loved his family more 
than anything else and he was tortured about disappointing them. But in 
the end, he decided to be who he was.”

That clash of values permeates Turkish society. While Turkey’s 
aspiration to join the European Union is pushing the Muslim-inspired 
government to accept and even promote civil liberties for women and 
homosexuals, some traditionalists remain ill at ease with a permissive 
attitude toward sexuality and gender roles.

Until recently, so-called honor killings have been largely confined to 
women, who face being killed by male relatives for perceived grievances 
ranging from consensual sex outside of marriage to stealing a glance at 
a boy. A recent government survey estimated that one person dies every 
week in Istanbul as a result of honor killings, while the United Nations 
estimates the practice globally claims as many as 5,000 lives a year. In 
Turkey, relatives convicted in such killings are subject to life sentences.

A sociologist who studies honor killings, Mazhar Bagli, at Dicle 
University in Diyarbakir, the largest city in the southeast, noted that 
tribal Kurdish families that kill daughters perceived to have dishonored 
them publicize the murders to help cleanse their shame.

But he said gay honor killings remained underground because a homosexual 
not only brought shame to his family, but also tainted the concept of 
male identity upon which the community’s social structure depended.

“Until now, gay honor killings have been invisible because homosexuality 
is taboo,” he said.

Gay rights groups argue that there is an increasingly open homophobia in 
Turkey. The military, which is the guardian of Turkey’s secular state, 
regards homosexuality as a disorder.

Last year, a local Istanbul court ruled in favor of disbanding the 
offices of Lambda, the country’s leading gay rights group, after a 
complaint that it offended public morality. (The decision was later 
overturned by a higher court.)

Firat Soyle, a human rights lawyer for Lambda, who was advising Mr. 
Yildiz before his death, said that three months before the murder, Mr. 
Yildiz had filed a complaint at the local prosecutor’s office that he 
was receiving death threats from his family. Mr. Soyle said the 
prosecutor’s office had refused to investigate or provide Mr. Yildiz 
with protection. The local police and prosecutors declined to comment on 
the allegation because the case was continuing.

The murder has divided Mr. Yildiz’s neighbors in Uskudar, an old Ottoman 
district on the Bosporus in Istanbul where secular and religious Turks 
live side by side.

Ummuhan Darama, a neighbor of Mr. Yildiz, was shot in the ankle during 
the attack and has filed criminal charges against his father. She said 
that the police had visited her in the hospital after the episode, 
urging her to drop the charges and to avoid becoming involved in what 
they called a “dirty crime.”

Ms. Darama, a religious Muslim who wears a gold satin head scarf, said 
she was the only one among her neighbors willing to testify.

“The police and local religious officials are trying to protect the 
killer because they think homosexuality is a sin,” she said. “But in 
Islam killing is an even bigger sin, and no one but Allah has the right 
to decide between life and death. Ahmet was a nice, gentle boy and he 
didn’t deserve to die.”

But Kemal, 55, a Kurdish man newly arrived to the district from the 
southeast who declined to give his last name, said he would disown his 
son if he found out he was gay. “I would kick him out of the house and 
he would no longer be my son,” he said, fingering his prayer beads.

Even as some gay groups have sought to blame encroaching Islamic 
conservatism for Mr. Yildiz’s death, others argue that Turkish society 
is actually becoming more sexually liberated. Nilufer Narli, a 
sociologist who has studied gender issues, noted that gay clubs and gay 
bars have proliferated in big cities like Istanbul. She said 
homosexuality in Turkey had been tolerated since Ottoman times.

One of Turkey’s most celebrated singers is Bulent Ersoy, a transsexual, 
who was banned by the military government in the 1980s but has since 
become more popular as a woman than she was as a man.

“It is a cliché that Turkey is homophobic,” Ms. Narli said. “There has 
been a rise in religious conservatism, but at the same time, because of 
globalization, people are more accepting now of different values than 
they have ever been.”

That acceptance, however, has not always filtered down to Turkey’s 
religious heartland, with sometimes deadly consequences.

Didar Erdal, a 23-year-old gay man from Mr. Yildiz’s hometown, recently 
fled Istanbul for the Netherlands out of fear that his own family was 
hunting him.

Mr. Erdal said his family had learned he was gay last month after he 
applied for an exemption from military service on the grounds of his 
sexuality. He said his father had gone “crazy” and ordered him home, 
where the tribe’s elders would decide his fate.

“I know all too well,” Mr. Erdal said, “what the tradition demands must 
happen to me.”

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