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I am not sure it shoudl any surprise that a representative pof the Workers
Party from Brazil is not infavour of sociism and not in favour of a new
international organisation based on advancing the international struggle for

For this reason, the PT rep did not support Chavez's call.

The Brazilian delegate was arguing *against* a new international, and in
favour of simply continuing with existing groups like the Sao Paulo Forum —
largely a grouping for the moderate left these days in LA.

Chavez's argument  in calling for it was explicitely directed *against* the
argument of those like the PT in favour of merely an anti-imperialist front.
As the article on Links says, after the PT reps speech, "Chavez’s speech
that night marked a dividing line ... The conditions ar eripe for socialism,
he said".

The calll for the Fifth Socialist International,whatever may be said about
it, what ever problems anyone may have with this or that or who is in it,
was explicetly, and undeniably called for by Chavez *in answer to* and
*counterposed to* those arguing that merely an anti-imperialist front would

The special resolution on the issue that came ou of this conference (which
was not the launching of the Fiftih Socialist International, merely a
confernece at which Chavez issued the call and said they would work towards
a conference next year),  said this:

"The international encounter of Left-wing Political parties held in Caracas
on November 19, 20 and 21, 2009, received the proposal made by Commander
Hugo Chavez Frias to convoke the Fifth Socialist International as a space
for socialist-oriented parties, movements and currents in which we can
harmonize a common strategy for the struggle against imperialism, the
overthrow of capitalism by socialism and solidarity based economic
integration of a new type.

“We assessed that proposition in terms of its historical dimension which
calls for a new spirit of internationalism and agreed, for the purpose of
achieving it in the short term, to create a WORKING GROUP comprised of those
socialist parties, currents and social movements who endorse the initiative,
to prepare an agenda which defines the objectives, contents and mechanisms
of this global revolutionary body.

“We call for an initial constitutive event for April 2010 in the City of
Caracas. Furthermore, those parties, socialist currents and social movements
who have not expressed themselves on this matter can subject this proposal
to the examination of their legitimate directive bodies.”

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