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Teamsters Reformers Win Big at New York UPS Local
by Mark Brenner | Thu, 12/03/2009 - 7:09pm

UPS Teamsters in New York City voted in a reform slate by to a 2-to-1
margin Thursday. It’s the second win in as many months for Teamsters
reformers in the city.

Spend 10 minutes in Times Square and you’ll see a big piece of what
keeps New York humming—thousands of UPS drivers hustling packages long
after those guys down in Wall Street have headed to the bar.

New York is home to 7,000 UPS Teamsters, and today they voted in a
reform slate 2,348 to 1,091. It’s the second win in as many months for
Teamsters reformers in the city, joining the commercial movers in
Local 814 in the winner’s circle.

The campaigners organized the old-fashioned way, leafleting at all 13
facilities for months, holding meetings for a year in advance of the
vote, gathering thousands of phone numbers and emails for their
get-out-the-vote push, and building a member-to-member network in the
local that promises to jumpstart their work in office. Their campaign
was aided by Teamsters for a Democratic Union, the longtime reform
movement in the union.

New York’s UPS union, Teamsters Local 804, has long been a bastion of
militants. It was the home of Ron Carey, the first democratically
elected president of the Teamsters, who went on to lead the famous
“Part-Time America Won’t Work” strike in 1997 at UPS. The 804 Members
United slate promises they’ll be going toe to toe with management in
the Carey tradition.

They’re promising to hold the company to its pledge to create more
full-time jobs, and to expand representation round-the-clock while
cutting officers’ salaries by $400,000.

Although the ousted incumbents inherited Carey’s local, they lost
touch with its spirit—and what was happening in the workplace.

UPS is protecting its bottom line during the recession by squeezing
workers more than ever. They’re forcing drivers to deliver more
packages per hour and driving senior workers off the job with
stepped-up surveillance and harassment. The old leaders had no plan to
defend their members.

And they succumbed to the arguments made by Teamsters International
President James Hoffa’s administration: that the only way to survive
as a union in America today is go along with management, not stand up
and fight.

Their limited vision led to a string of disappointments culminating in
a 2007 contract that would have given up the local’s 25-years-and-out
pension for new members.

A group of active members that became the reform slate led a “vote no”
campaign that bucked the local leadership, turning down a weak UPS
contract and preserving the 25-and-out pension.

In an era where pensions are getting destroyed across the country, it
was an inspiration to see union members reject their leadership’s
willingness to settle short. And it’s a good thing they maintained the
pension, because delivering packages is one of the most demanding jobs
in the city. Just ask your UPS driver. Here in Brooklyn our UPS guy
(we’re withholding his name for his privacy) was out for two months
last year recovering from knee surgery, brought on by the faster pace
of the work. He’s only got a dozen years on the job.

(I know how he feels. I injured my back doing 35 massages a week for
two years, and only after six months of self-prescribed rehab -and no
work- is my back better. I used my training as a yoga teacher, and
with the help of a master yoga therapist, developed a therapeutic
sequence of yoga postures to heal myself.)

Greg McDonald

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