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By *Patrick Bond*, Durban

December 23, 2009 -- In Copenhagen, the world’s richest leaders
continued their fiery fossil fuel party last Friday night, December 18,
ignoring requests of global village neighbours to please chill out.
Instead of halting the hedonism, US President Barack Obama and the Euro
elites cracked open the mansion door to add a few /nouveau riche/
guests: South Africa’s Jacob Zuma, China’s Jiabao Wen (reportedly the
most obnoxious of the lot), Brazil’s Lula Inacio da Silva and India’s
Manmohan Singh. By Saturday morning, still drunk with their power over
the planet, these wild and crazy party animals had stumbled back onto
their jets and headed home.

The rest of us now have a killer hangover, because on behalf mainly of
white capitalists (who are having the most fun of all), the world’s
rulers stuck the poor and future generations with the vast clean-up
charges – and worse: certain death for millions.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/1426

Links' full Copenhagen coverage at

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