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On Dec 26, 2009, at 3:18 PM, Dogan Gocmen wrote:
> ...My simple questions is this: is this bill (despite all defects) any
> improvement compared to the previous one...

There is, of course, no "previous" health-insurance bill. He  
presumably means the status quo, not the contemporary (and only  
slightly less bad) HofR draft.  And the answer is simple: the Senate  
draft is worse than the status quo.  Why?  First of all, it provides a  
$half-trillion subsidy to the justly reviled Health Insurance  
Corporation parasites.  Secondly, it imposes mandates for the  
"uninsured"  to buy whatever the HICs want to provide, however  
inadequate, and fines those who don't want or can't afford (even with  
subsidy throughputs) such "coverage."  Third, it penalizes those  
states with less-inadequate Medicaid coverage by reducing their  
federal reimbursement. Fourthly, it directly injures  those like me,  
whose Medicare Advantage plans provide low co-pays, gratuitous  
Medicare D coverage, eyeglasses, and discounted dental care (among  
other real advantages).  Enough already? Oh yeah, it also (except for  
some taxes) doesn't go into effect until 2014, so the public outcry  
over its inadequacies cannot have any effect in motivating a movement  
for real health reform until the election of 2016 (more likely 2020)  
at the earliest.  And it would deprive millions of women of coverage  
for the consequences of undesired pregnancy while opening a new arena  
for state-by-state prohibitionist demagogy.  I could go on....

Shane Mage

> This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
> kindling in measures and going out in measures."
> Herakleitos of Ephesos

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