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A little bit more concrete understanding of the US would serve you well in 
this since it is specifically the political situation in the US you think 
you are analyzing.

"Liberalism"  as a political "agenda,"  rather than a school of economic 
thought, is the label attached, and self-attached, to and by a section of 
the bourgeoisie that supports government intervention, and changes in the 
content of government intervention,  in issues of social welfare, social 
justice, to mitigate the "worst" inequities in capitalism.

The "conservative" section of the bourgeoisie has made a career of attacking 
"liberals," the "liberal media,"  "liberal think tanks,"  liberal civil 
libertarians, blahblahblahblah.

Mark is stating that your support, and tortured rationalizations of the 
CPUSA's own right of center rationalizations and endorsements of the 
"healthcare" bill is a mark of "conservatism," a position that is actually 
less "progressive," and represents a greater retreat, than the positions of 
the liberal wing of the US bourgeoisie.

So... you don't grasp the content of Hegel's analysis of master and slave, 
you misrepresent, IMO,  Marx's and Engel's analysis of free trade, you are 
mistaken in your counterposing of "everyday politics" to "strategic 
thinking,"  and you misunderstand the CPUSA's position on everyday politics 
and strategic thinking since their everyday support of Obama is explicitly 
their strategic thinking.  And now you add to that a basic ignorance as to 
the characterizations of different political agendas of the bourgeoisie.

In the US, we would say "your're batting a thousand,"  which of course would 
mean, "you're batting zero.  You're  0 for 5, you're below the Mendoza line, 
you're wearing the golden sombrero, you're a weak stick,  a rally-killer, a 
sure out.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dogan Gocmen" <dgn.g...@googlemail.com> 

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