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Here we go again...  Assumptions, ahistorical representation of problems of 
"underdevelopment," and the following completely anti-materialist, 
anti-class basis for "analysis":

 "Professor Losurdo uses here comparative method: how did liberal and 
“democratic” countries behave in  their history, facing an external threat 
and facing the risk of the  destruction of their national community and the 
State? This is the problem  of total war in 20th century. And exactly in 
this problem Losurdo reveals  the roots of “total mobilization”, a political 
phenomenon that in all countries involved in the crisis of the *Jus publicum 
europaeum* brings to a  suspension of *habeas corpus*, to laws punishment of 
“collective  responsibilities”, to executions by martial law, mass 
deportations, mass imprisonments and working fields, to a strong 
regimentation of society, to  the terror against political enemies and 
people suspected for conspiracies  and accused of being “objective enemies”.....

 Against today’s historiographical mainstream, Losurdo asserts that on this 
political background Stalin has been an outstanding leader with his 
clearness of thought and temperance. Again and again he tried to bring some 
“normality” into political and social life of his country. “During the three 
decades of Soviet Russian history led by Stalin, annotates Losurdo, “the 
most important aspect has not been the passing from party dictatorship to 
autocracy but the recurrent Stalin’s attempts to bring his country out of 
the state of exception to a relative normality”. However, these attempts 
failed. But they compel all fair historians to admit that Soviet history and 
Stalinism cannot be understood through the concept of “totalitarianism”. 
This history tells us instead of a gradual and contradictory establishment 
of a development of dictatorship”, by means of which Stalin tried to 
mobilize and “rehabilitate” the energies of his country in order to overcome 
a centuries-old Russian underdevelopment”. In other words, he tried to 
foster an accelerated development and to concentrate in few years the same 
course untwined in developed countries during many centuries."

Comparative method to the democratic countries?   That's a real Marxist, 
class, and honest analysis, no?  And exactly what is "bringing normality 
into political and social life"?  What is the content, the substance of such 

All this faux-erudition says is that all the problems were due to Russia's 
lack of development, its isolation, and need to defend exactly that 
isolation-- that socialism is one country.  There is nothing new, different 
in this-- it's the same old same old ideological horse galloping around the 
ring of the same circus under the same tent.

Look, this "honest assessment" of Stalin is based on opposition to a phony 
"libertarianism"-- the bourgeois attack on Stalinism as totalitarian, and 
then conflating the phony libertarianism with actual Marxist critique to 
discredit such Marxists critiques, to avoid the material analysis of the 
relations of classes, internally and internationally, and what the "attempt 
to bring....a relative normality" meant concretely to those classes and 
their struggles.  Marxist analysis does not begin nor end with a critique of 

It's not at all surprising that those who support, rationalize,  the CPUSA's 
pseudo-Marxist support of "liberal" [in the US political menaing of the 
word], progressive, bourgeois democrats cannot distinguish between those 
liberal critiques and actual Marxist analysis when it comes to something 
they, the supporters, hold dear.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dogan Gocmen" <dgn.g...@googlemail.com> 

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