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>> Lenin, who knew better, repeated over and over until his death  that 
Russia was a capitalist society, and, because of overwhelming economic  
backwardness, was not any form of socialist society whatever, despite the  
of the working class government in power presiding over Russia, his own  
This is repeated incessantly by Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 33; August  
1921 To March 1923.<< 

Interesting is the history of the theoretical underpinning that the first  
stage of communism was not possible outside of several advanced countries  
providing an international division of labor as the basis to defeat the  
commodity form; defeat the small producers in local (state) jurisdictions, and  
drag the economically backwards areas into the orbit of proletarian  
socialism.  It is very accurate to say that Lenin and most Marxist  considered 
socialism impossible outside of a series of revolutions in the  advanced 
capitalist countries. 
Let’s attack the issue backwards. 
Section II. 
Marx and Engels introduced the world to a new way at looking at the life of 
 society and the underlying motivation causing society to leap from one 
complex  of productive forces and its corresponding social relationships of 
production to  another. Thus, Marxists have through all our generations relied 
upon the  writings of Marx and Engels in our theoretical unraveling of the 
society  process.. Marx clearest writings on what constitutes the first stage 
of  communism, popularized as “socialism” by Engels is perhaps his 
Critique of the  Gotha Program. 
Marx describes the first stage of economic communism as a political form of 
 the state, called the dictatorship of the proletariat, and a mode of  
distribution where the commodity form of the social product is systematically  
defeated by distributing a broad range of products outside the law of value. 
The  mode of distribution is always a consequence of the mode of producing 
or its  property features. Marx exposition can be challenging concerning what 
 constitutes the first stage of communism, but we should try to unravel  
“Within the co-operative society based on common ownership of the means of  
production, the producers do not exchange their products; just as little 
does  the labor employed on the products appear here as the value of these 
products,  as a material quality possessed by them, since now, in contrast to 
capitalist  society, individual labor no longer exists in an indirect fashion 
but directly  as a component part of total labor. The phrase "proceeds of 
labor",  objectionable also today on account of its ambiguity, thus loses all 
meaning.”  (End Quote) 
Why is it that producers do not exchange their products when common  
ownership of the means of production is the prevailing mode of property? If 
is true, what does it mean to say “the producers do not exchange their 
products;  just as little does the labor employed on the products appear here 
the value  of these products?” 
Exchange in political economy means the “mutual transferring from one  
individual or between groups of individuals products that have acquired a  
commodity form.“ 
Product exchange means the commodity form or a mode of distribution based  
on the individual selling something in order to buy something and the 
reverse.  This in turn implies that the instruments or means of production are 
owned  privately or by someone or a class, whose domination of these means and  
conditions compels non-owners to enter into the act of selling and buying. 
This  act of selling and buying is the singular economic meaning of exchange 
. . . .  .  Or of exchange of commodities. When the individual confronts 
owners of  property for wages, or the right to partake in society production 
and  consumption, their labor acquires a commodity form exchangeable with 
other  products with a commodity form. 
Value means exchange value in political economy, or rather exchange value  
means value. Without the private property principle in operation, products 
do  not appear as a collection of exchange values - value, but rather a 
collection  of things with a utility. (1) 
After the confirmation and validation of the October Revolution; after  
1928, it seems the thinking of many Soviet Communists was as follows: (2) 
1. If the state is the holder of property and government is established to  
administer to plan and administer the two general categories of production  
(means of production and means of personal consumption), that which is  
fundamental to reproduction of means of production and consumption, will not  
longer occur on the basis of capitalist private property, with its laws of  
anarchy of production and competition between capital seeking buyers. (3) 
2. If we enact specific laws that prevent anything other than means of  
consumption to enter into the realm of personal possessions (property) by  
society we will legally and practical defeat the law of capitalist production 
3. If we have outlawed private ownership of that which is fundamental in  
society reproduction, and the law of purchase and sale of labor power no 
longer  drive society reproduction of the means of production, the producers 
no  longer exchanging their products. 
4. Bitter experience has proven to us Soviet communists that the small  
agricultural producer cannot alienate (give) his products to the state without  
ample compensation, so a certain amount of commodity exchange must exits in 
our  country. The reason why the small-scale commodity producer cannot 
alienate the  products of his labor is because no man can work with prolonged 
intensity and  receive nothing back in exchange for his labor. It is better to 
work for oneself  and the immediate needs of ones family and loved ones 
without care to creating  surplus products. Because the workers are involved in 
a social (labor) process  where no one can claim the products as their own, 
their class nature prevents  the attitude of petty bourgeois exchange from 
arising from the material factors  of the production process. Therefore, the 
persistence of this attitude of  commodity exchange arises from the nature 
of small-scale production.   
Such a system is called socialism or the Soviets first stage of communism  
because it is unlike any system of bourgeois production that had existed. 
Some  individuals identify socialism with forms of political democracy. I do 
not.  Socialism is a term that means ownership rights over the means of 
production.  This is not to say political democracy is unimportant but not many 
American  Marxists confuses political democracy in America with the stock 
market or  capitalist production of automobiles - commodities. 
For instance, when one moved into an apartment and needed to acquire a  
chair, lamp, stove and bed, one went to a store (distribution outlet) to 
acquire  such, but the factories producing beds and chairs did so with means of 
production not owned by any individual or driven by an impulse to create a  
profit. Rather, the incentive for production was to satisfy a need, beds and  
chairs. The chairs and beds had to be transported to places of distribution 
by  trucks, trains and mules. The distribution system was not capitalist, 
owned by  private individuals. The trains transporting all kinds of products 
were “state  property.” The rails upon which the trains ran were not 
produced in factories  owned by capitalist. The steel was not forged in 
The Soviet could rightfully quote Marx as a source and validation of their  
system post 1930. Marx put matters this way: 
“Here, obviously, the same principle prevails as that which regulates the  
exchange of commodities, as far as this is exchange of equal values. Content 
and  form are changed, because under the altered circumstances no one can 
give  anything except his labor, and because, on the other hand, nothing can 
pass to  the ownership of individuals, except individual means of 
consumption. But as far  as the distribution of the latter among the individual 
producers is concerned,  the same principle prevails as in the exchange of 
commodity equivalents: a given  amount of labor in one form is exchanged for an 
equal amount of labor in another  form.”  (end quote) 
“(T)he same principle prevails as that which regulates the exchange of  
One must close their eyes and think out Marx propositions. 
What principle - in standard American English, is Marx referring to and  
what does this mean?  
The same principle Marx refers to is the exchange of labor in different  
forms. A chair, stove and lamp are but different forms of concrete labor.  
Without this concrete labor stoves, chairs and lamps are just products of 
If you are working at a furniture factory and 40 hours of 1000 workers  
produces enough furniture for 1000 people, then the 1000 people getting the  
furniture should ideally produce enough for the 1000 furniture people to get  
their allotment of an equivalent amount of shoes, socks, briefs and panties 
. .  . . NOT EXACTLY, Or rather, enough means of consumption and means of  
reproduction have to be produced to allow the system to expand and  meet 
daily needs and new needs. .Marx reference to labor exchange  means labor 
expressed in the different form of social products. Marx does not  mean the 
reproduction of the “value relation” or as it is called by some  “reproduction 
the social relations of capital.”  
Marx is taking into account a low level of development of productive forces 
 when the labor of everyone is need for the society advance and to satisfy  
society needs. 
There is a difference once bourgeois ownership of means of production is  
taken out of the equation. The difference is that an individual capitalist or 
 capitalist institution does not appropriate the products of labor, and the 
 surplus labor in it that comes from paying the workers a value below that 
they  create. Nor does capitalists dispose of products on the market for 
whatever  price it will bring. 
It is the capitalist system as a totality of production and distribution  
based on the purchase of labor power, that stamps and define capitalist  
commodity products or the “reproduction of the commodity form.” 
Thus, the Soviet communist called their system socialism. Not because it  
produced plenty or even high quality products but because the production of 
the  means of production and an array of consumer products was not driven by 
the  quest for private profits to any individual owners. I call their system 
Soviet  industrial socialism at a certain stage of development.   
Marx further wrote in looking at such a system: 
“What we have to deal with here is a communist society, not as it has  
developed on its own foundations, but, on the contrary, just as it emerges from 
capitalist society; which is thus in every respect, economically, morally, 
and  intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society 
from whose  womb it emerges. Accordingly, the individual producer receives 
back from society  -- after the deductions have been made -- exactly what he 
gives to it. What he  has given to it is his individual quantum of labor. For 
example, the social  working day consists of the sum of the individual hours 
of work; the individual  labor time of the individual producer is the part 
of the social working day  contributed by him, his share in it. He receives 
a certificate from society that  he has furnished such-and-such an amount of 
labor (after deducting his labor for  the common funds); and with this 
certificate, he draws from the social stock of  means of consumption as much as 
the same amount of labor cost. The same amount  of labor which he has given 
to society in one form, he receives back in  another.” 
Section I 
What it the history and theoretical source of this vision and doctrine of  
socialism on an international scale, as the foundation for realizing 
socialism  in one country? 
The modern, scientific communist movement began as manufacturing with its  
small, scattered workshops was replaced by industry with its concentration 
of  thousands of workers in giant factories. This development was expressed 
by the  founding of the Communist League and the 1st or Workingmen’s 
International. In  1848, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were called upon to 
write a 
manifesto for  the League, which was called The Communist Manifesto. The 
Communist League then  became “The Communist Party”  
The productive capacity of the industrial countries developed very rapidly. 
 So long as national production was restricted, more than less, to the 
national  market, the struggle - contradictions, between the capitalists and 
workers  intensified and hardened year by year. The communist movement grew 
with strikes  and uprisings by the workers. The means of production rapidly 
went through  several quantitative stages and the struggle between the 
classes subsided, ebbed  and flowed, as the capitalists expanded their markets 
by conquering the  economically backward areas of the world and “bribing” 
(bribery is in quotes so  as not to collide with Marx and Engles writing on 
the British workers attitudes  towards Ireland) a huge layer of the working 
class, and their leaders into  political and military support.
The vision of socialism being established as an international order  
embracing two or more advanced industrial countries expressed a material  
configuration of history. Virtually all facets of Marxist communists embraced  
vision during the time of Lenin. It was a vision that made sense at that  
Subsequent Soviet history proved this vision obsolete and in need of  
(1) The reason products appear as things with a utility rather than “use  
value” is precisely because the value relations has been defeated. Use value  
exists in symbiotic relations with exchange value in my use of the term.  
Articles produced for direct consumption do not possess a use value only a  
utility or use fullness. 
(2) 1928 is used as an index in Soviet history because of the  
implementation of the First 5 year plan and Stalin elaborating on  
industrializing the 
country without allowing individual ownership of the  fundamental artifacts 
of the means of production. 
(3) The state as property holder does not mean the state actually owns the  
productive forces as a person or corporation - as a institution, owns means 
of  production. Property defined the state is an organization of violence 
and this  organization of violence expressed in the standing army, police 
force, penal  institutions, intelligence agencies, court system and 
parliamentary  superstructure does not own the means of production but rather 
act as 
guardian.  Nor, does the bureaucratic system underlying and making the state 
real in  everyday life own means of production. For instance the gulag as an 
institution  did not own the means of production in the Soviet Union. 

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