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I didn't have a chance to respond to this author's latest ravings yesterday.

I must say, upon reading this, "Bravo to the author"!  Few things are 
more edifying than a nonsensical rant.

I especially applaud where he denigrates Comrade Chavez for refusing 
(unlike himself) to support John Ashcroft's 'al qaeda' fairy tale. 
His decision to castigate the good comrade rather than consulting the 
mountain of evidence available to falsify the Chavez hypothesis (and 
substantiate his 'Ashcroft' one) tells us right off what his agenda 
is on that subject.  Not that we needed it, of course.

Anyway, the author, as always when the subject is Iran, dissembles 
like a pro.  He does so by very carefully conflating two independent 
social formations:  one, the real social movement in Iran, such as it 
is;  and two, well-known and comprehensively reported campaign afoot 
in Washington and London and Tel Aviv to destabilize that nation. 
The author knows this, of course, and has undertaken a personal 
crusade against anyone aiming to shine a light on the second 
formation, not by serious engagement, but by insinuating that they 
oppose the first one.

Whereas the author sees MRZine's rotgot ideology at the heart of this 
conflict (which it is not, for the record), the real rotgut ideology 
that seems to be dying away is the Greenie movement that garnered so 
many Tweets and facebook postings in June and July.

As it has always been, the real nature of the dispute HERE (i.e., in 
the cyberworld, not in Iran proper) lies on the question and role of 
Western involvement (if for no other reason than coming up with 
useful and effective slogans).  Yet, as with the racist 'al queda' 
fairy tale, the author doesn't care a whit about the factual record 
on this subject here and now.

[I wonder if he believes, too, that the US and Saudi Arabia were 
amping up operations in Yemen last year because they anticipated a 
guy with fireworks in his pants will be escorted onto a US bound 
flight on 25 December 2009?]

As though it needs to be said:  opposing the US campaign of 
destabilization in Iran is not the same as supporting the Iranian 
government.  The author knows this, too, because he's seen that game 
played against him over and over again.  This poor, dead horse has 
done nothing to our author, yet still he beats it mercilessly, 
endlessly, passionately.  The horse's name, incidentally, starts with 
a 'Y' and ends with an 'E'.

Neither the transparency of the fraud, nor their consequences, nor 
the consciousness-altering reality that ensues in its aftermath 
compels the author to even take a second look as the phenomena up for 
discussion.  In fact, he goes out of his way to avoid doing so.

Because he thinks he's right by the transitive property.


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