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In a message dated 1/9/2010 12:56:53 P.M. Pacific Standard  Time, 
dmozart1...@gmail.com writes:
Israel is dropping propaganda leaflets on Gaza tonight  (09/01/10),
 asking people to inform on 'terrorists' digging tunnels and  warning this
activity will only lead to more  bloodshed.
There is an email address on the leaflet.
If YOU  would like to tell Israel what YOU think about anything,
contact _ _helptogaza2...@gmail.com_ (mailto:helptogaza2...@gmail.com) 

I couldn't let the  opportunity pass.  Here's my minor contribution to the 
cause, under the  subject line, "My tax dollars at work":
As a US citizen and taxpayer, it disgusts me that the  militaristic state 
of Israel receives millions of dollars every day from me  and my fellow 
taxpayers.  The fact that the Israeli state uses our money  to occupy Palestine 
and to oppress the Palestinian people is intolerable to  me.  

The only hope for this terrible situation is for Israeli  citizens to 
realize that the only way there will ever be peace in the region  is to form 
secular state with equal rights for all adults without regard  to ethnicity 
or religion.
Down with the "Jewish State."  Up with Palestine, with  equality for all.

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