Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I found the 3 volume history of the International by Julius Braunthal to be
informative, plus rather entertaining, in a way, via his reminiscences of his
(bureaucratic) participation in - and his lifelong contact with - the 

Here is a brief bio of Braunthal I lifted off the internet to illustrate this

"Born in Vienna 1891, died in Teddington, Great Britain 1972; writer, active in
the international social democratic movement; member of the executive committees
of the Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei in Österreich (SDAP) and the
Republikanischer Schutzbund; imprisoned and tried for high treason in 1934,
expelled from Austria in 1935; lived in Belgium 1935-1936; settled in Great
Britain in 1938; editor of the Tribune from 1937, the International Socialist
Forum 1938-1948; secretary of the Committee of the International Socialist
Conferences (COMISCO) 1949-1951, secretary-general of the Socialist
International (SI) 1951-1956; author of the `History of the International' in
three volumes, published between 1961-1971."

It's titled simply History Of The International and the volumes are
v. 1. 1864-1914.--v. 2. 1914-1943--v. 3. 1943-1968.
(First volume appears in English in 1966.)

If that's too much, or can't be found, try Lichtheims's Short History of
Socialism starting with p. 157. (I'm pretty sure that it is in paperback.)
(Published 1970)

Naturally, conclusions by Braunthal and Lichtheim have been disputed,
so read with the old "open mind".

More recent? I checked the central catalog for Ohio colleges and found
only two other recent works. I have read neither, and the second is a
product of the anti-Communist Hoover Institute.

Novack, George Edward
The first three Internationals, their history and lessons [by] George Novack,
Dave Frankel [and] Fred Feldman
Pathfinder Press

Drachkovitch, Milorad
The revolutionary internationals, 1864-1943
Published for Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace by Stanford
University Press, 1966

- Bill

Joonas Laine wrote:
> ====================================================================== Rule
> #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
> ======================================================================
> Hi,
> any recommendations for good histories of the First International..? I know
> about the Stekloff book on MIA, but I was looking for something that I could
> read on paper, and perhaps something that's more recent as well.
> Thanks!
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