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But beyond the regamarole of the pseudo-theroies (Leninism, Stalinism,
Trotskyism etc) there is a serious matter that gets entirely overlooked
in styupid quarrels over these non-theories. Regardless of the theory or
the leader, millions of people struggled and millions died not for the
theory but for the supposed aim of those theories. We are happy that the
USSR and not Nazi Germany won the war, are we not. We are happy that
Chiang and his descendants don't still keep the Chinese peasantry in the
state once described as standing in water up to one''s nose, on tip-toe,
with every ripple threatening to drown you. We are happy that the Shah
is not still running Iran. We are happy that Venezuela is not a tool of
the U.S. in managing Latin America. Aren't we. And that those struggles
did not result in some exact copy of the Socialism which exits only in
your head doesn't seem ver relevant.


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