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Haiti needs emergency relief, not military intervention!

21 January 2010

We, the undersigned, are outraged by the scandalous delays in
distributing essential aid to victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
Since the US Air Force seized unilateral control of the airport in
Port-au-Prince, it has privileged military over civilian humanitarian
flights. As a result, untold numbers of people have died needlessly in
the rubble of Port-au-Prince, Léogane and other abandoned towns. If
aid continues to be withheld, many more preventable deaths will
follow. We demand that US commanders immediately restore executive
control of the relief effort to Haiti's leaders, and to help rather
than replace the local officials they claim to support.

We note that obsessive foreign concerns with 'security' and 'looting'
are largely refuted by actual levels of patience and solidarity on the
streets of Port-au-Prince. The decision to avoid what US commanders
have called 'another Somalia-type situation' by prioritizing security
and military control is likely to succeed only in provoking the very
kinds of unrest they condemn.

In keeping with a longstanding pattern, US and UN officials continue
to treat the Haitian people and their representatives with wholly
misplaced fear and suspicion. We call on the de facto rulers of Haiti
to facilitate, as the reconstruction begins, the renewal of popular
participation in the determination of collective priorities and
decisions. We demand that they do everything possible to strengthen
the capacity of the Haitian people to respond to this crisis. We
demand, consequently, that they allow Haiti's most popular and most
inspiring political leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide (whose party won
90% of the parliamentary seats in the country's last round of
democratic elections), to return immediately and safely from the
unconstitutional exile to which he has been confined since the US,
Canada and France helped depose him in 2004.

If reconstruction proceeds under the supervision of foreign troops and
international development agencies it will not serve the interests of
the vast majority of Haiti’s population. Neoliberal forms of
international 'aid' have already directly contributed to the
systematic impoverishment of Haiti's people and the undermining of
their government, and in both 1991 and 2004 the US intervened to
overthrow the elected government and attack its supporters, with
devastating effect. This is why we urgently call on the countries that
dominate Haiti and the region to respect Haitian sovereignty and to
initiate an immediate reorientation of international aid, away from
neo-liberal adjustment, sweatshop exploitation and non-governmental
charity, and towards systematic investment in Haiti's own people and

We demand a much greater international role for Haiti’s genuine allies
and supporters, including Cuba, South Africa, Venezuela, the Bahamas
and other members of CARICOM. We demand that all reconstruction aid
take the form of grants not loans. We demand that Haiti's remaining
foreign debt be immediately forgiven, and that the money that foreign
governments still owe to Haiti – notably the massive sums extorted by
the French government from 1825 through to 1947 as compensation for
the slaves and property France lost when Haiti won its independence –
be paid in full and at once.

Above all, we demand that the reconstruction of Haiti be pursued under
the guidance of one overarching objective: the political and economic
empowerment of the Haitian people.

Initial signatories:

Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Committee (USA); Kevin Pina,
filmmaker; Noam Chomsky (MIT); Peter Hallward, Middlesex University,
UK; Jean Saint-Vil, Canada Haiti Action Network; Niraj Joshi, Canada
Haiti Action Network; Brian Concannon, Institute for Justice and
Democracy in Haiti; Kevin Skerrett, Ottawa Haiti Solidarity
Committee/Kozayiti; BC Holmes, Toronto Haiti Action Committee; Roger
Annis, Haiti Solidarity BC; Yves Engler, Haiti Action Montreal.

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