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[Not mine, but from someone I respect immensely. Only the translation is 
my responsibility.]


During the “Redrado-gate”, the opposition of “center-left”, mainly 
Proyecto Sur, the political party of Fernando “Pino” Solanas, argued 
that the reserves should not be touched to pay the illegitimate foreign 

Truly, the Argentinean foreign debt is hideous, illegitimate and 
illegal. But all those who have denounced the “doublespeak” of 
Kirchnerism on this issue forget that Néstor Kirchner, at the very 
ceremony by which he became President, openly said that he would not 
stop paying it. This did not prevent the current “Leftist” D.A.s from 
giving him their support at that moment.

Under a mask of truth, they lied. If not then, yes now, because with 
their indignant gestures they omit to say that /what the Kirchners 
_have_ done is not to contract new debt, and not to sanction or promote 
a single law under the orders of the International Monetary Fund/.

There are other -more or less “leftish”- variants of the opposition that 
have been warning us that Néstor and Cristina Kirchner have been 
deceiving us with a trick-ridden game, and that sooner or later they 
would eventually ask for new IMF loans. After long dummying, Solanas has 
finally joined the mob, where he ruthlessly elbowed his way to the pole 

All this takes to a single conclusión: that “in the end, the Kirchners 
are more of the same old stuff”. What´s the concrete consequence if not 
the immobility of large tracts of the liberal and progressive middle 
classes, by way of a sour neutrality. Which helps weakening the government.

This weakness, to which Solanas and his group make so invaluable a 
contribution, may end depriving the government of essenttial political 
support, which may well put the government against the ropes when 
confronting the IMF, and thus force it to concede what the IMF demands. 
If, moreover, these tactics succeed in defeating Kirchnerism, the new 
administration will put into practice as many policies of the 1976-2001 
cycle as possible. Among others, that of inflating the foreign debt again.

And in such situation, Pino Solanas will keep claiming “I was always 
against paying the Debt”. Another truthful lie, this time a cover up of 
the fact that he helped promote the return of those who contracted that 

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