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At 10:27 08/02/10 +0200, Patrick Bond wrote:
>Joseph C Wilson 
>CEO, JC Wilson Investment Ventures, United States and former United 
>States Ambassador
>He's coming to Durban later this month,

Well I don't have any deep information to help you, but I'll take this as
an opportunity to offer my rant about the guy.

I was sort of disgusted because a lot of the soft-left antiwar movement
sort of described him as a "hero" of some sort for having contradicted
Bush's lie about "Iraq obtaining uranium from Africa." Yes, he did in fact
go to Niger and report back to the effect that Bush's claims were false. So
yes, he told the truth, which is better than lying.

But that only came to people's attention much later, in the summer of 2003,
when he finally went public with it, whereas he said NOTHING PUBLICALLY
before the beginning of the war, when it could well have made a difference!
So it's sort of a case of doing the "right thing" at the wrong time! The
information he had was explosive, and he deliberately chose to avoid
revealing it while the bombs were raining down on Baghdad, clearly putting
his allegiance to the system ahead of any humanity. I consider that
completely criminal.

Now when he went to Niger in 2002 he did it at the request of the CIA. I'll
say that again. He was working for the CIA. Unless I don't understand the
English language, that means he is or was A CIA AGENT. I'm saying that here
out loud, aware that all of you in the US could actually go to jail for
making a statement of that sort! So once again: Joseph Wilson was or IS A
CIA AGENT, and I can hardly think of a worse thing to say about someone!

And yes, he was (as we know now) married to a CIA agent, and that she was
(until her career was "ruined" by being exposed by the white house in the
vindictive move against her husband) a lifer in the CIA. And I have never
heard this mentioned, but that means that when he was the deputy US
ambassador to Iraq in 1998 - 1991 prior to the first US war (which he
helped engineer on the diplomatic front), that he brought his wife, A CIA
AGENT also into Iraq under the cover of diplomatic immunity! When diplomats
are accused of spying, the US always denies that such a thing is possible,
that these are separated functions. Ha! That means that the CIA had a
direct plant right in Baghdad who couldn't be touched and could smuggle
whatever she wanted out of Iraq in the ambassador's pouch.

Not just Iraq, but he had several other diplomatic assignments, presumably
also bringing along and giving cover to his wife, the career CIA agent:

I'm sorry I don't have any inside info about his "JC Wilson International
Ventures Corp." but I don't think I'll be doing business with them! I
imagine he's making lots of money using his "expertise" gained through his
wife's CIA activities in every African country where he had a diplomatic
post. I hope you can dig up some more dirt on him before he appears at this
conference. But the bottom line is that he was or is a CIA agent, and
withheld from the public crucial information that would have countered the
Bush war drive against Iraq.

- Jeff

 as part of the Africa Utilities 
>'Power Indaba' Conference 
>that has raised some concerns. Does anyone have anything interesting to 
>tell us about Wilson so we understand context?

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