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On 2/11/2010 4:19 AM, Gary MacLennan wrote:
> I teach a class on scientific method.  I am absolutely frank about the
> academy.  When paradigms clash  it is like something out of the Godfather
> movies.

hahahahahha. nice ... clash of little kingdoms and all that...

>   I have lived all that shit and I know it.  But I tell my students
> that they must put the dialectics of epistemology i.e academic thuggery
> aside and seek the ontological.  Jones may be and I am certainly inclined to
> think so one of the greatest shits on the planet but he may still be right
> about global warming.  As the notorious Chinese Machiavelli said "seek truth
> from facts!"

Gary, what -- as you see it --  did Jones do that was so bad?  the 
"trick" issue is not an issue scientifically. as you say, bad-mouthing 
goes on all the time. plus these research centers are deluged by 
denialist requests and they have no PR departments like Exxon (pacem 
Shawn) to handle the overload.

i've been planning to write on the IPCC/CRU storm for a while now, but 
am curious to hear your thoughts Gary in more detail.


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