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This is the second in a series of posts on socialist 
internationals. The first dealt with the International 
Workingman’s Association (IWA) that collapsed not long after the 
defeat of the Paris Commune. The ensuing repression combined with 
an exhausting faction fight with Bakunin and the anarchists led to 
its demise.

Although conditions were ripening to inspire the formation of a 
new international (largely a function of the growth of an 
industrial working class), Marx was wary of launching it 
prematurely. In 1881, two years before his death, he wrote F. 
Domela Nieuwenhuis, a Dutch supporter, that “It is my conviction 
that the critical juncture for a new International Workingmen’s 
Association has not yet arrived and for this reason I regard all 
workers’ congresses, particularly socialist congresses, in so far 
as they are not related to the immediate given conditions in this 
or that particular nation, as not merely useless but harmful. They 
will always fade away in innumerable stale generalised banalities.”

Despite these doubts, the growth of the socialist movements in 
France and Germany led to a new impetus for organizing 
internationally. Just as Russia was the natural center for the 
Communist International (a mixed blessing as we shall see), France 
and Germany formed the twin stars of the Second International. And 
despite their considerable national differences, the two sections 
would exhibit all the shortcomings that made the Second 
International fail.

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