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I thought it was established Marxist viewpoint that the "horrors of  
capitalism drive the petite bourgeoisie into a frenzy. That's the explanation 
his behavior, and as socialists, we seek to explain the cause of that 
behavior  in its social context. That's the lesson the American people were 
to draw  by the act and the lesson that the left should be point to.
You can run around and denounce individual acts of terrorism or tea party  
participants all you want, but revolutionary practice (which the  Katheder 
Marxists just have to call "praxis") would consist  of drawing the lessons of 
the event in terms of the social forces and  psychological reaction to them 
that caused it - all rooted in the  intensification of capitalist 
exploitation that drove this "terrorist" to his  act. 
The Appeal to Reason, the Chicago Socialist, the New York Call, the  
Milwaukee Leader and the Seattle Call as well as the daily papers the socialist 
party put out in Lead, South Dakota and Bellvue Illinios - would have run 
this  man's suicide note in full and with devastating analysis. That the same 
cannot  be anticipated from the modern "left" is appalling.
    Wayne Collins
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