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In a massive (15, 308 words) article that appears in the current New 
Left Review, Perry Anderson addresses “Two Revolutions”, namely the 
Russian and the Chinese. My expectations were that Anderson would be 
interesting as well as wrong. He did not disappoint.

Mostly the article can be reduced to a kind of laboratory experiment 
where one rat is compared to another. The rat that has been fed a 
constant diet of Big Macs will look sickly while the one that eats wheat 
germ and yogurt will look great. That, in a nutshell, is how Anderson 
approaches Russia and China. China’s success story, we are told, has a 
lot to do with “communism”, a term that Anderson deploys much more in 
the terms of bourgeois social science than Marxism. This is to be 
expected from somebody who announced to the world in 2000 in a NLR 
article titled “Renewals” that:

        By contrast, commanding the field of direct political constructions of 
the time, the Right has provided one fluent vision of where the world is 
going, or has stopped, after another—Fukuyama, Brzezinski, Huntington, 
Yergin, Luttwak, Friedman. These are writers that unite a single 
powerful thesis with a fluent popular style, designed not for an 
academic readership but a broad international public. This confident 
genre, of which America has so far a virtual monopoly, finds no 
equivalent on the Left.

Little did Anderson suspect that only a few years later Fukuyama would 
do a 180 degrees turn and disavow his “end of history” thesis under the 
impact of an imploding financial system. That being said, he still seems 
smitten by the prospects of being “fluent” and “powerful”. I for one 
place much more importance on being truthful and revolutionary.

read full article: 

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