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I recently posted something on my web pages, and received some very, very nasty 
comments from
white South Africans, most of whom consider themselves to be part of "the new 
South Africa" or and/liberal
and wanted to dissociate themselves from the past... I found it shocking that 
some send me really ugly personal email
messages (at least on "unfriended" me on facebook)...

Would people on these two lists care to give me their views on the blog post. I 
am not doing this for publicity - hell no.
But I kinda respect people on these two lists... You can comment on the page, 
or on this forum.

A  note. 
The first comment from "Shahied" is from my nephew, a "Cape Malay" kid who is 
so profoundly apolitical it breaks my heart
The second is from an extreme right-wing character...

This is the post

Winnie Mandela startled whites (again). As well she should.
In an interview with the Evening Standard, the basics of which were reproduced 
by The Times of South Africa, Winnie Mandela rattled the white community of the 
country with some home truths. The main point Ms Mandela made was that her 
former husband, President Nelson Mandela, negotiated a bad deal for black 
people and that indigenous Africans continued to suffer what may best be 
described as the deep impact of historical structural violence. There is, 
however, more to the issue…. Much more. The main point is that Ms Mandela is 
basically correct, and two points (for now) may suffice to demonstrate this 
“bad deal”.


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