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Number of hits on Kucinich and sellout on google: 464,000

This was number one from the inimitable Billy Wharton:

Kucinich’s Healthcare Sell-out

by Billy Wharton / March 18th, 2010

The Obama administration cracked a tough nut today in their relentless 
drive to sponsor a corporate restructuring of the American healthcare 
system. Dennis Kucinich, who had been one of the few voices of 
opposition to the faulty healthcare “reform,” announced today that he 
intends to vote “Yes” on the healthcare bill currently under 
consideration in the US House of Representatives. The announcement came 
after a high-pressure visit from President Barack Obama to the Cleveland 
district Kucinich represents.

For many in the movement for single-payer healthcare, the move is the 
final in a series of betrayals by Democratic Party politicians. First 
among these was Representative John Conyers from Michigan, the sponsor 
of House Resolution 676, a bill that would create a publicly funded 
National Health Program by eliminating private health insurers. Conyers 
caved-in quickly, voting yes on the proposal and providing little 
resistance outside of an interesting quip about having to read a 
2,000-page bill in two days. Kucinich appeared as a dissident of a 
different type.

Kucinich railed against the House bill, claiming that it “…would put the 
government in the role of accelerating the privatization of health 
care.” This critique was backed up by a “No” vote in November 2009. In 
House deliberations, however, Kucinich had already moved off his 
single-payer position, first searching for a “robust” public option and 
then attempting to create a clause that would allow states to pursue 
single-payer programs. Today Kucinich went a step further, cowering to 
the will of a White House bankrolled by big pharma and the private 
health insurance lobby.

Kucinich called it “a detour” and claimed that all of his previous 
criticisms of the bill still stood. The healthcare bill had become, he 
proposed, a contest between the presidency and its far-right critics. 
More correctly, Kucinich caved to pressure from pro-Obama groups, such 
as Moveon.org who recently collected more than $1 million to pressure 
House Democrats who had voted no on the original bill. The extent of the 
pressure campaign was brought home when Obama appeared in Kucinich’s 
voting district this week and summoned him to a meeting on Airforce One. 
There, the terms of Kucinich’s sell-out were determined.

The one powerful voice that has been remarkably absent from the whole 
spectacular public discussion of healthcare reform is that of the 
private health insurance lobby. Why so quiet? Because they wrote 
significant portions of the bill currently under consideration in the 
House. Because they have purchased the support of Democratic and 
Republican representatives by spending an average of $609,000 a day on 
lobbying during the first six months of 2009. And, because Obama’s 
healthcare proposal will open up new opportunities to harvest taxpayer 
money by providing clunker healthcare plans to the uninsured. Kucinich 
knows this yet he will still  provide his name to this damaging scheme.

Most of all, Kucinich’s betrayal points to the burning need for 
political activity, both electoral and social movement based, 
independent of the Democrats and Republicans. The political system is 
already so saturated with corporate money that Democrats and Republicans 
are structurally incapable of acting in the interests of working people 
in America. Now is the time for a green and red rebellion at the ballot 
box and on the streets. Only then can we can be done with the wavering 
Kucinichs of the world and get down to the task of creating a society 
that values human needs over corporate profits. We need a single-payer 
healthcare system now and only an uncompromising movement made up of 
everyday people will get us there.

Billy Wharton is the editor of The Socialist magazine and the Socialist 
WebZine. He can be reached at: billysp...@yahoo.com. Read other articles 
by Billy, or visit Billy's website.

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