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Media For Freedom?

By Michael Barker

In today’s world the media plays an important role in 
disseminating information to both sustain and undermine democracy. 
The mainstream media admirably fulfils the latter role, actively 
serving the capitalist system that allows a handful of individuals 
to reap handsome profits from an ill informed populous. However, 
the mainstream media, along with some influential alternative 
media outlets, simultaneously serve a vital role for such elites 
by clouding the plutocratic nature of society in a mist of 
democratic rhetoric. Consequently, alternative media outlets that 
pierce such illusions are a vital component for the growth of any 
coming anti-capitalist insurrection. Thankfully the long-running 
magazine, Monthly Review, is one such source for revolutionary 
hope, and their former coeditor, Robert McChesney (2000-2004), has 
blazed the way in highlighting the problems posed by the 
mainstream media in the United States. To illustrate the extent of 
the media-related problems faced by revolutionary activists and to 
highlight their potential solutions this article draws upon the 
content of two of McChesney’s recent books, Communication 
Revolution: Critical Junctures and the Future of Media (New Press, 
2007), and The Political Economy of Media: Enduring Issues, 
Emerging Dilemmas (Monthly Review Press, 2008).

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