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Here's an interesting commentary on Muslims and gay bashing in Holland 
from a friend who lives there. It was prompted by an ongoing exchange 
among a few American gay activists. Some American homosexuals are still 
under the illusion that Holland is some kind of "gay paradise." Not 
discussed is the fact that in elections four years ago, the Socialists 
won big and were the third-largest party, but have now collapsed and 
don't even make the top four parties. Hence, there is no left 
alternative at all.

To begin with the article headline: Holland is Scared. You bet your ass 
it is. Ten years of privatisation of everything – mail service, 
telecommunications, gas, electricity, railroads, public transit, garbage 
pickup, health care (Rotterdam even sold off its public library to an 
'information company') – has caused spiralling prices for everything 
(health insurance has nearly tripled since privatisation) that are 
pressing everybody, up through the middle class, to the wall. Then came 
the tens of millions handed to the banks in early 2009 to stabilise 
them. Now the government says the cupboard is bare; welfare, 
unemployment and child care benefits (which are given for every child, 
not on the basis of need, so the middle class is being hit hard on this 
one too) are being slashed, and the retirement age is going up to 68. 
Unemployment is still reasonably low by European standards, at 7%, but 
that is high by previous Dutch standards, which were kept low by 
removing thousands of older, low-skilled native Dutch workers into 
various welfare programmes when their jobs in the harbour and factories 
disappeared in the 1990s as the Dutch economy shifted from production to 
service; their benefits are being cut too. Retail businesses are failing 
right and left, and repossessions of homes rising. People /are/ scared – 
deeply scared – and they have no history of political analysis to know 
who is to blame.

So the media and a couple of politicians have some suggestions...

Gays are also losing ground – though this has been going on for the past 
decade. Gay teachers are leaving the profession in droves because of 
harassment from pupils. Verbal and physical assaults have been 
increasing. Gays may be able to marry, join the army and police, and 
adopt – in other words, they can be just like heteros – but that has not 
changed underlying social attitudes about them. They've won their 
“sexual revolution”, and discovered it hasn't changed a thing. However, 
this is not a specifically Muslim problem. It is nationwide, not just in 
the four great cities where most of the Muslim population is. Gays are 
being bashed in small towns, where there is nary a Muslim in sight. The 
majority of the bashers, and teacher harassers, are white, native Dutch 
teenagers. In Muslim neighbourhoods, and occasionally in city centres, 
public displays of gay affection will attract verbal harassment from 
Muslim kids. But in white working class neighbourhoods, such displays 
will attract harassment from white kids. Gays are scared – but most will 
admit that this is not just a problem involving Muslims. In fact, that 
is why they are scared. If it was just Muslims, it would be simple to 
suggest solutions. (One exception is a vocal little group of gays who 
claim that this is all the fault of pedophiles and pederasts who abuse 
Muslim boys and thus cause them to hate gays. Surveys of and among those 
arrested for anti-gay crimes have disproven this, but it still keeps 
being trotted out.)
In the early 1990s, at a dinner party I was seated next to a young 
Australian Chinese gay man who had moved to Amsterdam for its relative 
freedom. He made what I have subsequently come to realise was a very 
perceptive observation about Dutch society. As a double target for 
discrimination in Australia – Oriental and gay – he said he knew the 
signs of prejudice in people's reactions when he saw them – and he saw 
them here too. The difference, he said, was that here there was a social 
convention to not express the prejudice: it was something that wasn't 
done, while in Australia there was no control which prevented people 
from moving to openly say or act on their prejudices.
He regarded that convention as a relief. Others, of course, call it the 
tyranny of PC. The dam broke about eight years ago, with Pim Fortuyn – 
ironically, a gay – when he claimed the right to defy PC and tell the 
“truth” about Muslims/foreigners, which the bien-pensant left was 
suppressing. After his assassination, his followers and successors ran 
with it: Hirshi Ali, as a member of parliament, claimed all Muslims were 
paedophiles (because their prophet married a nine year old girl), Theo 
van Gogh fatally began replacing the word Muslim with “goat fucker” in 
his discourse. Now one could shout “goat fucker” at a Muslim on the 
street. A triumph against PC? OK: but one could also shout “flikker” 
(faggot) at homos on the street, and call your teacher a flikker in 
class. One person's expression of “prejudice” is another's “truth” and 
victory over PC; it just depends on whether it's your ox getting gored.
To the extent that this is a Moroccan problem, there was a recent piece 
of sociological research from the Gay Studies department at UvA that 
found that for all the anti-homo sentiment being expressed in the Muslim 
community by imams and kids on the street, it had not changed the 
endemic same sex behaviour that was going on inside the Moroccan 
community among the boys. The problem seemed to be their offense at the 
public display of “gay” behaviour, not with the acts. Another thing 
which points in that direction was an interview done a couple years ago 
by “Prem”, a Hindustani-Surinamese TV journalist who, to my mind, is one 
of the sharpest journalists working in Holland; as an interviewer he's 
equally merciless about getting canting white government and social work 
officials and mouthy street agitators to expose themselves, and then 
skewering them. There had been an incident where two lesbian women were 
abused by a group of young Moroccan teenage boys in Amsterdam West; 
Prem, with his contacts in the non-native community, managed to track 
the group down and interview them. Evidently not realising what they 
were doing, the boys boasted about what they had done. Some older boys – 
late teens and 20s – who were in the background watching and did 
understand how the younger kids were hanging themselves, wandered over 
and intervened. They explained that yeah, they had done stuff like that 
too at that age – you see, in their community, kids get fucked until 
they are twelve or thirteen and then become men, but they are still 
pretty insecure about their masculinity for a while and try to reinforce 
their masculinity by harassing those whose non-masculinity they 
experience as threatening, until they finally grow out of it. Now, some 
of these guys might even have been community college students, but I 
doubt that any of them had ever read any of Dynes's stuff from the 1970s 
about 'Mediterranean sexuality' that is divided into penetrators and the 
penetrated; they'd arrived at the same conclusion by looking at their 
own culture. But that is likely where some of the problem there does 
lie, right in the homosexuality of that community itself. (And no, the 
penetrators are not “paedophiles”, they are the brothers, cousins and 
uncles of the kids themselves, who in turn become penetrators of women – 
and younger kids.)

The two politicians who are are making the most of this climate of fear 
are Hirsch Balin, the Catholic Minister of Justice and an Opus Dei 
member, whose career has been devoted to morals legislation in general 
and paedophile hunting in particular, and Geert Wilders. Both have 
interesting backgrounds. Balin is the son of a Jewish man who was hidden 
during World War II by a Catholilc family, who converted and married 
their daughter after the war. Wilders is also Catholic – and is 
Dutch-Indonesian. Yes, that is why he dyes his hair blond. Without the 
dye it is jet black, and he //looks// Indonesian. His family went out to 
the East Indies around 1900, and in three generations there intermarried 
with Indonesians. They returned “home” after Indonesian independence; 
Vrij Nederland (a normally rather right-wing magazine which researched 
his family history) in fact attributes his anti-Muslim attitudes to 
hatred of the Muslim independence movement which expelled his family 
from their paradise. But he also spent about six years living in Israel, 
and is married to a Jewish woman. He himself credits his discovery of 
the vile nature of Muslims to witnessing their attacks on the brave 
Israelis – and needless to say, while he is opposed to any Dutch money 
or soldiers going to battles to spread “democracy” in Iraq or 
Afghanistan (no Muslim anywhere is worth one drop of Dutch blood!), and 
any development funds going to any foreign country, he is an extreme 
supporter of aid to Israel in its attempt to clear the Promised Land of 
Muslims who are in the way. (This is all rather interesting in light of 
the background of the author of the article which started your thread, 
Karni Eldad.)

Balin does his best to channel the fear of the Dutch into fear of sexual 
perversion. During his several terms as Minister of Justice he has 
effectively raised the age of consent to 19, redefined “child 
pornography” as any image of any sort of a person, real or virtual, 
which might tend to lead to abuse of a “child” under 19 (in other words, 
it can be a virtual “child” or of a person provably over 19 – so long as 
a prosecutor wished to argue that viewing it could encourage or 
stimulate a “paedophile” to abuse a “child”, or if it could be used in 
“grooming” the “child”). “Possession” is to have your cookie found on a 
site which had such pictures; there is no need to prove you saw them. It 
should be obvious that with ages of consent and “child porno” that high, 
we are getting well into “gay” territory, and in fact this contributes 
to suspicions against gays. Balin has also now announced that he accepts 
that paedophilia/pederasty is a sexuality, as “incurable” as 
heterosexuality or homosexuality – which means that anyone convicted of 
it must be imprisoned for life, preferably in camps as far distant from 
society as it is possible to get in this country, as there is no sense 
in “treatment” or “rehabilitation”. Most recently, his response to the 
hype about paedophile priests (from his own Church, n.b.!) has been to 
call for the removal of any statute of limitations on “paedophilia” and 
for a national commission to investigate just how deeply 
paedophiles/pederasts have penetrated Dutch society. A population who 
are already scared about their children's future are like a tinderbox 
for this kind of thing.
It should also be noted that last year, up in Groningen, the Ministry of 
Justice conducted a high profile prosecution against a group of gay men 
who had had an S/M club in which they did “tit work” among other things, 
which involved injecting blood from one another into each other's 
nipples. Yes, one was HIV positive, and a number of the others ended up 
with the virus. The prosecutor's contention was that the organizers of 
the group knew he was HIV positive, and four of them were tried for 
attempted murder. The media lapped it up: See what homos are really 
like? That nice couple of gay bankers two doors down from you with the 
two adopted children: what are they really doing at night?
Incidentally, Balin also grandstands about other kinds of “immorality”. 
Last year he got a new package of laws dealing with bestiality passed. 
There had been no laws regarding sex with animals on the books here 
since they were dropped from the code during the French occupation 
between 1806 and 1810 (there were, and are, laws against the 
mistreatment of animals, which were and are used against the sick 
bastards who go out and carve up the genitals of horses and cows in 
fields), and in these 200 years the morality of the Netherlands had not 
collapsed, but now, with what Balin insisted was a vast wave of sheep 
and poultry fucking, and porn of women being fucked by dogs, we had to 
reinstate them. And not just that, but add a section on the production, 
distribution and possession of animal porn, a rewrite of his kiddie porn 
laws. Warning: today in Hirsch Balin's Netherlands, you'd better be 
careful about visiting internet sites which might have kitty porn – 
photos of cute kittens!

So much for the sexual sideshow. The main act is Wilders and his Party 
of Volk and Security (or, as one of our better raconteurs/cabaretiers 
calls it, the Fat Frightened White People's Party). He feeds on, and in 
turn feeds, the idea that everything that is wrong with The Netherlands 
is --- foreigners. And in particular, Muslims. But foreigners, in 
general. One of his proposals – and he is constantly floating them, to 
see what responses are – is that any person who came to the Netherlands 
after 1950 – //and their descendants// – should be expelled, back to 
their "country of origin". Never mind that that is now sometimes two 
generations who have been born here: their parents and grandparents 
never should have been here in the first place. Once you get rid of all 
of those people, there will be jobs for all the real Dutch who are left; 
unemployment solved. (He does, at least, admit that this will probably 
require those Dutch who have lost their spirit of hard work and 
enterprise and been sitting around on welfare of various sorts to get 
off their asses and take on jobs they won't take now, like emptying 
bedpans, now filled by foreigners – but that will only improve the moral 
fibre of the Dutch Volk, after being corrupted by the foreign 
presence!). The housing crisis will be over, with all those apartments 
vacated by foreigners. The medical system will be restored, particularly 
after all those guest workers who unexpectedly stayed are chucked out, 
along with their work-related illnesses from the asbestos plants and 
mines. The pressure will be off education, without the mobs of children 
those foreigners breed. And we will let no more refugees in – not of any 
kind. The UN can take its refugee treaties and stick them where the sun 
doesn't shine. And no more immigrants, for at least a couple decades, 
until we see how self-sufficiency works out. We're going to take our 
country back!
The post 1950 date of course permits //him// to stay – but for instance 
rules out all the Surinamers who chose for the “motherland” at the time 
of independence in the 1970s. It was also notable that when last week he 
proposed putting the commandos returning from Afghanistan to work 
patrolling "out of control" neighbourhoods of foreigners, the three he 
mentioned were heavily Surinamese. Wilders has also refused to be drawn 
on what this will do to the most recent royal wedding, of the Crown 
Prince with Maxima, the daughter of a member of the former Argentine junta.

His Muslim hate is simply the spearhead of this. They are the most 
conspicuous foreigners. Hindu temples may be ugly (in fact, they are), 
but Hindus at least don't insist on building mosques with minarets that 
dare to equal or – horrors! - exceed the height of steeples on Catholic 
churches – and what's more, have four to the Roman's three! They insist 
on broadcasting calls to prayer – at the same moments when the Catholics 
are bonging away with their bells. (Wilders, when challenged on this 
one, blithely responded that the bells are “our” culture, and thus not 
noise pollution, while the muezzins are “foreign”, and therefore are.) 
They are also rather conspicuous on the street with beards, robes, 
headscarves, veils. Of course, there are the conservative Calvinists 
with /their/ chinstrap beards and their wives' black stockings, long 
skirts and wrist-length sleeves and white lace caps – but they have the 
decency to stay out of our sight, in places like Staphorst or Urk, 
except when they bring their cheese and produce in to the farmers' 
market on Saturday, when they are so /colourful/. And of course the vast 
majority of Muslims don't dress any differently than you or I, and the 
number of veiled women is minuscule. (I don't know the figure here 
offhand, but with the controversy about burkhas in France, I did see the 
figure that down there, the whole issue is about between 1100 and 1500 
women in a population of 55 million; frankly, if France's great 
civilization is so feeble that it is going to crumble as a result of 
1500 women walking around in burkhas, it deserves to be put out of its 
misery.) Anyhow, the number here can't be more than a couple hundred – 
but they do stand out.

They are also the tie-in with gay issues. The supposed Muslim hatred of 
and attacks on gays gives Wilders a wonderful stick with which to beat a 
dog. The only problem is that this is bullshit. Yes, several imams have 
denounced /al lut/. Catholic bishops regularly denounce sodomites – and 
in a town down in Limburg – Wilders's home turf – this year the Church 
refused to give communion to a gay man who was elected Prince of the 
Carnival, and his krew, because he was gay. Not a peep from Wilders. 
Yes, Muslim boys are involved in harassment and bashings. Most of the 
violence is by Dutch kids, though. Polls have consistently shown that 
most Muslims have no more problem – and among the younger, better 
educated and more successful Muslims born here, rather /less/ problem – 
with gays than the general population does. In fact, polls across Europe 
indicate that on a whole range of issues, the picture that Dynes and 
Glover paint of “intolerant” Muslims is bullshit. Furthermore, among 
Muslims who are successfully moving up into society here and elsewhere 
in Europe, one sees the same secularization at work that one saw in the 
churches over the past fifty years. Although social condemnation against 
Muslims drives some younger people into a more public affirmation of 
their culture – the number of girls wearing headscarves has risen, 
although the number of women wearing full veils is minuscule – the 
mosques are slowly and surely emptying, just as the churches did in the 
last fifty years. Retired guest workers may go five times a day, and 
spend the hours between the prayers telling beads and drinking tea and 
chatting, but that is in lieu of a senior citizen's centre. They may be 
joined at prayer by a handful of young fanatics. Friday prayer may get 
about the same numbers that Christians get on Sunday. But the majority 
of Muslims observe only Ramadan, just as their Christian neighbours only 
celebrate Christmas.

But perhaps the most curious development is a story which is just 
beginning to surface; I've seen two very short items on it, but our 
media here, which in general is very deferential to Wilders, as he 
provides them with great copy, is not reporting much about it. Seems he 
gave a right-wing Christian outfit from the US permission to do a 
fly-on-the-wall documentary about him, and in the final cut of the film 
they had footage of him making anti-gay remarks. The Yanks evidently 
didn't realise there was any problem: why, a good Christian right-winger 
obviously hates gays as much as Muslims! What's wrong with that? 
Wilders, who has invested a lot of effort into his public image of being 
a 'friend' of gays persecuted by Muslims, seems to think differently, 
and has taken legal steps to block the release of this film, or at least 
force a re-edit.

What are Wilders's chances of being the next prime minister? A couple of 
months ago, they looked pretty good. Polls showed him pulling in over 
one-third of the voters. He's slipped since. When the Labour party, 
seeing the support Wilders was getting for his insistence on withdrawal 
from Afghanistan, pulled the plug on a recommitment of troops there, and 
with it brought down the government, they rose sharply in the polls, and 
they rose again when their party leader retired to be replaced by the 
(Jewish: all Mayors of Amsterdam must be Jewish, to show The 
Netherlands' national regret for the Holocaust) Mayor of Amsterdam. Much 
of their rise was at Wilders's expense. His party did come in first and 
second in the two municipal elections they fought recently, in Almere (a 
vast white, middle aged, middle class suburb of Amsterdam) and The 
Hague, respectively. His hope was to pull a Pim Fortuyn, who used the 
municipal elections in Rotterdam as a springboard to national 
prominence, after gaining the most votes there and being welcomed into a 
coalition by the Christian Democrats. Only this time there seems to have 
been a train-wreck on that route. Van Agt, the last confessional, 
Calvinist Christian prime minister (before the present financial 
technocrats took over the party), who still has a strong following among 
older Christians, has denounced Wilders as a danger to Dutch values and 
a racist, and urged that the Christian Democrats boycott Wilders in any 
possible coalitions. (The strongest thing that Balkenende, the Christian 
economic technocrat who is currently Prime Minister, could think to say 
is that Wilders will hurt our country's trade and economy, should other 
countries respond to his election by boycotting us like they did 
Haidar's Austria.) Low and behold, the Christians have apparently joined 
Labour in freezing Wilders out of the city council coalitions in both 
places. (In The Hague, there may be another reason too: the Christians 
there are heavily supported by conservative Turks, with whom they 
cooperated to shut down nude beaches and gay cruising areas – before 
anyone barks that this is Muslims forcing their values on us, please 
note these were Christian issues before the coalition with the Turkish 
imams – and this political alliance there limits how far the Christian 
Democrats in The Hague can go toward Wilders's anti-Muslim party.) Polls 
have shown Wilders has dropped still more as a result. As of this week, 
Wilders would have 26% of the vote, Labour 25%, the Christians 23%, and 
the Liberals (secular conservatives) 18%. It appears only the Liberals 
(Wilders was a Liberal until they chucked him out for racist remarks) 
would rule with him, so the math doesn't add up. The elections are in 
June. And who knows what might happen if the footage of him making 
anti-gay remarks gets aired, and he gets painted as a hypocrite (even if 
people might agree with him)?

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