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Four suicide attempts in a month at Foxconn, the makers of the iPad

By Malcolm Moore World Last updated: April 7th, 2010

Even as the iPad breaks all sales records, something deeply disturbing
is happening at Foxconn, the China-based company that manufactures the
gadget for Apple.

Yesterday, an 18-year-old female worker at Foxconn became the fourth
person in as many weeks to attempt suicide by jumping from one of the
factory buildings.

The girl, only known by her surname, Rao, had only been working at
Foxconn’s Longhua plant for a month. Fortunately a tree broke her
fall, but she was severely injured. Foxconn confirmed the incident to
the Chinese media, and a spokesman was quoted saying Miss Rao had been
fighting with her boyfriend before she jumped.

On March 29, a 23-year-old man, named Liu, jumped out of a dormitory
window at the Longhua plant at 3am, dressed only in his factory shirt
and underwear. The unnamed man was a university graduate and had
worked in Foxconn’s wireless technology department since he joined
last August.

On March 11, at 9.30pm, a worker in his twenties, named Li, jumped to
his death, again at the Longhua plant. According to Chinese media
reports, the man’s bonus was stolen at Chinese New Year.

Finally, on the morning of March 7, a female employee named Tian
jumped from her dormitory building and injured herself, saying that
she was under a great deal of pressure.

The police in Shenzhen are investigating all the incidents, and have
not given any clarification about the motives in each case. However, a
spate of four suicide attempts within a month is a sign that something
is rotten in the Foxconn plant. Several attempts to contact Foxconn
today to comment on the conditions at Longhua were unsuccessful.

Last July, Sun Danyong, a university graduate, was the first person
reported to have jumped to his death, after committing suicide in the
wake of an iPhone prototype going missing.

The Longhua plant is the single largest assembly base in the world for
computers, mobile phones and consumer electronics. Around 300,000
workers reportedly live and work there. To give you an idea of the
scale of the place, one Foxconn consultant once told me that he had
turned up at the wrong entrance to the factory and was told to travel
to the next entrance along. The journey took half an hour by car.

Foxconn is incredibly secretive, and it is not clear if it is making
the iPad at the Longhua plant, but we do know the factory does make
iPods. Foxconn’s other clients include Sony, HP, Amazon, Nokia,
Motorola, Nintendo, Microsoft, Dell and Cisco.

I’ve asked for a tour of Foxconn’s facilities, but the company has
failed to respond. Similar requests to another huge technology
manufacturer, Quanta, were turned down on the grounds that their
clients’ products might be revealed.

Journalists from Reuters, walking too close to Foxconn’s Shenzhen
headquarters, were assaulted by security. When the police arrived,
they explained that Foxconn was a “special case” in the city. Which is
why it is unlikely that we’ll ever find out why those Foxconn staff

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