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STOP PRESS -- April 10, 2010

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*

Soldiers armed with live and rubber bullets and CS gas are attacking the
peaceful pro-democracy Red Shirts at various spots in the centre of Bangkok.

The gang of royalist tyrants -- Abhisit Vejjajiva’s Democrat Party, the
military, the royal palace and the bureaucratic elites -- can only cling
to power through violence and lies. As they use armed troops and tanks
against pro-democracy demonstrators in Bangkok for the fifth time in 40
years, the tyrants hope that a blanket of censorship throughout Thailand
will allow them to do their dirty work in secret. But their censorship
is not working and the assembled masses of pro-democracy Red Shirts are

The Red Shirts want democracy and want immediate elections, but
democracy and elections are the last things that the tyrants want. They
have lorded it over the people for years. They have never won an
election and they have never been happy with respecting election
results. They are supported in their bloody work by the fascist Yellow
Shirted PAD, most middle-class academics and the self-appointed NGO
leaders. Together they are contemptuous and fearful of ordinary working
people, the poor, the farmers, the citizens.

Hovering over the repression and exploitation of the people, like a mean
and nasty dark cloud, is the king and his network of toadies. Ever since
coming to the throne, king has served the army and the elites well,
giving them a legitimacy based on superstition, hierarchy and grovelling.
The people have risen up against the tyrants. The “refined” mask of Eton
and Oxford educated Abhisit Vejjajiva has slipped off to reveal just
another tin-pot dictator.

It is time to clear away all the gangsters and parasites who have held
sway over Thai society for too long. Down with the military! Down with
the monarchy! Down with the dictatorship! Power to working people!


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