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By *Socialist Party of Malaysia* (PSM), *Working People's Association*
(PRP) of Indonesia, *People’s Democratic Party* (PRD) of Indonesia,
*Turn Left Thailand*, *Socialist Alliance* of Australia

April 10, 2010 -- We are deeply concerned over the current situation in
Thailand where military-backed Prime Minister Ahbisit Vejjajiva has
declared a state of emergency and started a bloody crackdown amidst
escalating protests calling for a fresh election.

The situation is worrying as the Thai government has closed down all
opposition media and given sweeping new powers to the security forces to
prepare for a violent crackdown on the Red Shirt protesters. Thai troops
are using excessive force including tanks and live ammunition, against
pro-democracy demonstrators in Bangkok.

The United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), or better
known as the "Red Shirts", has relaunched massive protests against the
military-installed, unelected Ahbisit government since last March. This
pro-democracy movement is comprised of rural and urban poor, who are
standing up against the military-backed, oligarchic rule.

The current crisis unfolded in September 2006, when the military staged
a coup against the government of Thaksin Shinawatra, scrapped the 1997
popular constitution and replaced it with a military-sanctioned
constitution. The royalist Yellow Shirts started to organise fascistic
demonstrations when the pro-Thaksin party won in the 2007 election. The
current Ahbisit government was installed by the military after the
fascistic mobilisations by the Yellow Shirts and a coup by the court.

The government, the army and the Yellow Shirts are afraid to face real
democratic elections, as they know that they would lose since the
majority of the poor support the Red Shirts. Ahbisit and the ruling
elite are refusing the call for elections and are trying to buy time and
even preparing for a violent crackdown. It is becoming clear that
Ahbisit and the old elite are bringing the country towards a fascist

Thailand has entered a new phase of class war. The old ruling elite with
the backing of the military are using all means to scrap democracy in
Thailand. The pro-democracy Red Shirts comprised of the majority of the
working class, peasantry and poor, have shown their real popularity and
mobilising strength which has definitely shaken the royalists and the
military. With the broadening of the masses’ support for the Red Shirts,
it could be a new and important step in the struggle of the ordinary
people in Thailand for the restoration of democracy and social justice.

*We call for:*

the immediate resignation of the military-installed Ahbisit government
and the holding of fresh democratic elections;

    * a halt to all forms of violent crackdown against Red Shirt
      protesters. Respect the right of the people to organise, to
      protest and to strike;

    * a halt to the suppression of democratic rights and clampdown on
      the media;

    * the Thai government to not resort to any military coup.

The current crisis in Thailand only can be resolved through genuine
democracy and people’s power. We extend our support and solidarity to
all workers, peasants and poor in Thailand who are struggling against
the anti-democratic government and for the restoration of real democracy.

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