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Went to Kyn´s article, and found out a most interesting thing.

If Kyn is quite solid in his denunciation of the "schools of Scotland
and Bremen" as at best ill-researchers of the sources they quote, it
looks like this is a debate between misquoters. Kyn states that among
his students there is a "Federico Morchio, Minister, Argentina."

You can be absolutely certain that this Morchio has never been
Minister at the Federal level in Argentina, ever.

At most, he was "chief of cabinet in the Secretary for Industry,
Commerce and Small/medium enterprises" during the early, and most
neoliberal, moments of the Kirchner administration (2003). His being a
"minister" has to do with a third rank position in the Arg Diplomatic
Service, where he seems to be acting on secondary or third-rank issues
related to Foreign Direct Investment. A typical position-eater of the
neoliberal breed, a grey bureaucrat that either has duped Kyn into
believing he has got a ministerial rank, either has been presented by
Kyn as still another neoliberal pupil of his in the former "neoliberal
paradise" of Argentina.

If Kyn´s remaining examples of "students" and "colleagues" are
consistent, I would think it twice before calling this man a "market
socialist", BTW. What I believe is that both Kyn and the two schools
belong to the same gender of budget nipping intellectuals. They just
cater to different buyers.


Néstor Gorojovsky
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