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Why Defame Cuba? A Congregant’s Plea to Rev. Jeremiah Wright
by Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture

Lots of unexpected names turned up as signatories to a letter 
charging the Cuban government with systematic discrimination 
against Blacks. Among those who committed the foul injustice 
against Cuba, and shamed themselves, was Rev. Jeremiah Wright, 
Barack Obama’s former pastor. A fellow member of the United Church 
of Christ asks, respectfully, that the minister explain himself.

Why Defame Cuba? A Congregant’s Plea to Rev. Jeremiah Wright
by Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture

Ms. Nkrumah-Ture, a long-time activist and a member of the 
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, DC, 
wrote the following letter to Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Pastor 
Emeritus of Trinity United Church of Christ, in Chicago. Rev 
Wright is, of course, the former pastor to Barack Obama and one of 
60 African American signatories to a recent letter [1] charging 
the Cuban government with systematic racism against the island 
nation’s Black and mixed race population. Rev. Wright had visited 
Ms. Nkrumah-Ture’s church just the week before. – The Editors
“I pray you will do the right thing and demand that your name be 
removed from that awful letter.”

Dear Rev. Wright:
Praise the Lord and welcome to Plymouth Congregational United 
Church of Christ! Many thanks to you for being in revival with us 
this week!

I am writing to you because I am very concerned about issues of 
social justice, in this country and throughout the world. When I 
first joined PCUCC, under the bold and courageous leadership of 
Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister and Sis. Rev. Rebecca West, 
Associate Minister, I was so excited and quickly joined the Board 
of Social Action, the social justice ministry here. I was 
especially excited to be a member of the United Church of Christ, 
the most progressive Christian denomination in the U.S. When I 
read its website, I saw they were very involved in various issues 
of social justice that I too had been involved in for many years, 
effecting the people of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and 
South America, the Pacific Islands; racism, women’s rights and 
reproductive justice, health care, environmental justice, 
immigrant rights, unions, nuclear weapons, etc. Which brings me to 
why I am writing this letter and I hope you will clarify something 
for me.


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