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Undercover policeman reveals how he infiltrated UK's violent activists

For four years, Officer A lived a secret life among anti-racist 
activists as they fought brutal battles with the police and the 
BNP. Here he tells of the terrifying life he led, the 
psychological burden it placed on him and his growing fears that 
the work of his unit could threaten legitimate protest

     * Tony Thompson
     * The Observer, Sunday 14 March 2010

Hear Officer A talk about his secret life among anti-racist 
activists as they fought brutal battles with the police and the 
BNP Link to this video

An officer from a secretive unit of the Metropolitan police has 
given a chilling account of how he spent years working undercover 
among anti-racist groups in Britain, during which he routinely 
engaged in violence against members of the public and uniformed 
police officers to maintain his cover.

During his tour of duty, the man – known only as Officer A – also 
had sexual relations with at least two of his female targets as a 
way of obtaining intelligence. So convincing was he in his covert 
role that he quickly rose to become branch secretary of a leading 
anti-racist organisation that was believed to be a front for 
Labour's Militant tendency.

"My role was to provide intelligence about protests and 
demonstrations, particularly those that had the potential to 
become violent," he said. "In doing so, the campaigns I was 
associated with lost much of their effectiveness, a factor that 
ultimately hastened their demise."

His deployment, which lasted from 1993 to 1997, ended amid fears 
that his presence and role within groups protesting about black 
deaths in police custody and bungled investigations into racist 
murders would be revealed during the public inquiry by Sir William 
Macpherson into the death of south London teenager Stephen Lawrence.

His decision to tell his story to the Observer provides the most 
detailed account of the shadowy and controversial police unit that 
has provided intelligence from within political and protest 
movements for more than four decades. He believes the public 
should be able to make an informed decision about whether such 
covert activities are necessary, given their potential to curtail 
legitimate protest movements.

Officer A – with a long ponytail, angry persona and willingness to 
be educated in the finer points of Trotskyist ideology – was never 
suspected by those he befriended of being a member of the Special 
Demonstration Squad (SDS), a secret unit within Special Branch, 
whose job is to prevent violent public disorder on the streets of 
the capital. Known as the "hairies" due to the fact that its 
members do not have to abide by usual police regulations about 
their appearance, the unit consists of 10 full-time undercover 
operatives who are given new identities, and provided with flats, 
vehicles and "cover" jobs while working in the field for up to 
five years at a time.

The unit has been credited with preventing bloodshed on numerous 
occasions by using intelligence to pre-empt potentially violent 
situations. Unlike regular undercover officers, members of the SDS 
do not have to gather evidence with a view to prosecuting their 
targets. This enables them to witness and even engage in criminal 
activity without fear of disciplinary action or compromising a 
subsequent court case.

Officer A joined the SDS in 1993 after two years in Special 
Branch. It was a time of heightened tension between the extreme 
left and right and almost every weekend saw clashes between the 
likes of the Anti-Nazi League, Youth Against Racism, the British 
National party and the National Front. The SDS is believed to have 
infiltrated all such organisations.

During Officer A's time undercover, all 10 covert SDS operatives 
would meet to share intelligence about forthcoming demonstrations. 
The information was used to plan police responses to counter the 
threat of the demonstration getting out of control.

A key success for Officer A came just two weeks into his 
deployment during a demonstration against the BNP-run bookshop in 
Welling, south-east London. His intelligence revealed that the 
protest was to be far larger than thought and that a particularly 
violent faction was planning to storm the bookshop and set fire to it.

As a result of intelligence provided by Officer A, police leave 
was cancelled for that weekend and, despite violent clashes, the 
operation was deemed to be a success for the Met. The then 
commissioner, Sir Paul Condon, met the members of the SDS to thank 

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