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Found on the web, and worth a read: (same applies in Britain - but, not, I
thinl, in the rest of Europe)





Fear of Science Will Kill Us

- Michael Specter, CNN, April 13, 2010. Watch video at 
American denialism threatens many areas of scientific progress, including
the widespread fear of vaccines and the useless trust placed in the vast
majority of dietary supplements quickly come to mind.

It doesn't seem to matter how often vaccines are proved safe or supplements
are shown to offer nothing of value. When people don't like facts, they
ignore them.

Nowhere is that unwillingness to accept the truth more evident than in the
mindlessly destructive war that has been raging between the proponents of
organic food and those who believe that genetically engineered products must
play a role in feeding the growing population of the Earth. This is a divide
that shouldn't exist.

All the food we eat -- every grain of rice and kernel of corn -- has been
genetically modified. None of it was here before mankind learned to
cultivate crops. The question isn't whether our food has been modified, but
I wrote "Denialism" because it has become increasingly clear that this
struggle threatens progress for us all. Denialists replace the open-minded
skepticism of science with the inflexible certainty of ideological
commitment. It isn't hard to find evidence: the ruinous attempts to wish
away the human impact on climate change, for example. The signature
denialists of our time, of course, are those who refuse to acknowledge the
indisputable facts of evolution.

Nowhere has the screaming been louder, however, than in the fight over how
we grow our food. If you are brave enough to set a Google Alert for the
phrases "genetically modified food" and "organic food," you will quickly see
what I mean.

The anxiety is certainly understandable. When it comes to food -- the way we
produce it and particularly the way we consume it -- we have a lot to worry

One third of American children are overweight or obese; for adults, the
numbers are higher. Our addiction to mindless consumption has made millions
sick and costs this country billions of dollars. The financial toll comes in
terms of time lost at work and money spent treating and supporting people
with diabetes, heart disease and many cancers, who, had they followed a
better diet, would never have fallen ill.

Nonetheless, better eating habits have nothing specific to do with organic
food, which provides no nutritional advantage over more conventionally
raised products. Opponents of genetically modified food constantly argue
that it is unsafe. There has, however, never been a single documented case
of a human killed by eating genetically modified food.

If every American swallowed two aspirin right now, hundreds of us would die
today. Does that mean we ought to ban aspirin? Of course not. It simply
means that there are risks and benefits associated with everything we do and
with every decision we make.

When people say they prefer organic food, what they often seem to mean is
they don't want their food tainted with pesticides and their meat shot full
of hormones or antibiotics. Many object to the way a few companies --
Monsanto is the most famous of them -- control so many of the seeds we grow.

Those are all legitimate complaints, but none of them have anything to do
with science or the way we move genes around in plants to make them grow
taller or withstand drought or too much sun. They are issues of politics and
law. When we confuse them with issues of science, we threaten the lives of
the world's poorest people.

We are doing that now. By 2050, we are going to have 9 billion people to
feed, a huge increase over today's 6.8 billion. It's not a figure about
which there is much dispute. To feed that many will require nearly 50
percent more food than we produce now.

It's not enough to simply say we waste food and consume too many calories,
so that if we distributed it more intelligently everyone could eat just
fine. Not in sub-Saharan Africa, where drought is nearly permanent.

Many of those people subsist on cassava, the basic potato-like staple in the
region. It lacks most protein, nutrients and vitamins.

You cannot survive for long without them, so a team of international
scientists funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is engineering
vitamins and micronutrients into cassava.

They are engineering success into a failed crop. It will save and prolong
many lives; that is farming and genetic modification at their best. Who
could be opposed to that? 

Michael Specter is a staff writer at The New Yorker and the author of
"Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the
Planet and Threatens our Lives." TED, a nonprofit organization devoted to
"Ideas Worth Spreading," hosts talks on many subjects and makes them
available through its Web site, http://www.ted.com/


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