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For Immediate Release

Contact: Derechos Humanos: 520.770.1373

Press conference and Protest

Community Demands Answers from Obama Administration

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Tucson Federal Building

Arizona-- In an unprecedented fashion, today more than 800 ICE agents
descended on our communities across the state, spreading fear and
panic. Working together with U.S. Marshals, Sheriff and other local
law enforcement, they terrorized families and businesses alike.

“The scene this morning on the south-side of Tucson was one of massive
show of force, with dozens of agents, police vehicles, and weapons,
assaulting our community in a fashion never seen before in Tucson,
Arizona. This action clearly demonstrates what we have predicted, that
we would all be living in a police state here in Arizona. How can the
Obama administration permit these actions while espousing a commitment
to ‘change’?” stated Kat Rodriguez of Derechos Humanos.

“We demand an immediate response from the President and Secretary
Janet Napolitano, as this community is already scrambling from the Jim
Crow-type laws coming from the extremists in the Arizona legislature.”
she continued.

In NYC for a series of presentations about the border and immigration,
Derechos Humanos Co-Chair Isabel Garcia faced off against Arizona
State Senator Russell Pearce on CNN this morning, calling on the
country to begin to properly frame the issue of migration as an issue
of economic and political policies, not as an issue of law enforcement
or security. “We have permitted Arizona to be the engine for the
creation of laws and politicians that will impact every person living
in this country,” stated Garcia, “with copy-cat legislation appearing
across the states.”

“It is time that we stand firm with the border communities in
demanding real reform, not the principles outlined by Senators Schumer
and Graham,” stated Rafael Samanez of Vamos Unidos in New York City.
“We can see how Arizona in particular has been used as the 'canary in
the mines' in order to diminish all of our rights,” he continued, “as
we can now see these policies impacting all of us across the country.”

There will be a protest to follow today’s press conference, with a
diverse group representing the Tucson community and our demands for
answers from the Obama Administration as well as immediate halt to the
criminalization of immigrant and migrant communities across the

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