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Germany under Weimar was an imperialist power which had been defeated,
occupied, and subjected to war reparations payments by the victorious
powers, while the United States was recently the victor in the cold war and
is the dominant military power in the world, arguably the only military
super power in the world, and is currently conducting two plus major
regional wars and has bases, soldiers etc. in dozens of other countries of
the world.

Unemployment statistics are not the only, or the most important, point to
compare. A better comparison might be post WWI Great Britain and 21st
century USA, two waning overstretched empires with nowhere to go but down.

Tea party fascism might be better understood by reading Nathaniel West than
by looking to Weimar.

Tweedel dee and Tweedle dum might also have something to do with the tea

Especially Dum

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