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(Nice to see something like this in MRZine for a change. Now if they 
could only speak up about Iranians held in prison as well.)


Why You Should Care about the Three Americans Held in Iran
by Scott Campbell

Watching the news in August 2009, you may have heard about three U.S. 
citizens being detained in Iran.  Arrested for allegedly crossing the 
Iran-Iraq border on July 31, 2009, they remain in detention nine months 
later in Iran's Evin prison.  Dubbed "the hikers" due to the fact that 
they were on a hiking trip in the Kurdish region of Iraq when they were 
detained, in their nine months of imprisonment Sarah Shourd, Shane 
Bauer, and Josh Fattal have had only three visits from Swiss consular 
officials, have been permitted only one brief phone call to their 
families, and have been denied access to their Iranian lawyer.  Their 
mothers applied for Iranian visas more than four months ago and have 
received no response.  Though Iranian officials occasionally sputter 
about "espionage," the only charge they face is "illegal border 
crossing," punishment for which is a fine, not indefinite detention.

All of this is outrageous enough, but the picture is even bleaker. 
Thursday, April 22, was the most recent visit to the hikers by the Swiss 
-- the first since October.  Sarah -- who is in solitary confinement -- 
told them she is suffering from depression and a severe gynecological 
condition.  Shane, originally also held in solitary but now sharing a 
cell with Josh, told them he is enduring a stomach ailment.  The three 
of them are considering beginning a hunger strike, despite their poor 
health and isolation.

The three have lamentably become political pawns in the U.S.-Iranian 
staring contest.  The fact is, despite the West's belligerence towards 
Iran, these three individuals demand our support and solidarity.  Though 
they were simply on a hike, they are much more than hikers -- they are 
individuals dedicated to working for a better, more just, and more 
sustainable world.  They are comrades, fellow travelers, activists, 
organizers, whatever you may want to call them.

It is pertinent to mention that Sarah and Shane are good friends whom 
I've known for several years.  I first met Sarah in the San Francisco 
Bay Area in 2005 when we organized locally to support immigrant rights 
and participate in the historic May Day marches of 2006 and sent groups 
down to the border with Mexico to confront nativist vigilantes like the 
Minutemen.  She and Shane lived in a house in Oakland that served as the 
base for the Midnight Special Law Collective, which provides legal 
support and much more to activists around the country.  In 2007 and 
2008, we all worked with Direct Action to Stop the War to organize a 
series of civil disobedience and direct action efforts to mark the fifth 
anniversary of the war on Iraq.

Before moving to Syria together, Sarah spent time doing solidarity work 
with the Zapatistas in Chiapas and Shane went to Iraq to document the 
U.S. occupation, as well as making two trips to Darfur where he covered 
the rebels fighting the Sudanese army and militias.  In Syria, they 
lived in a Palestinian refugee camp and did Palestine solidarity work, 
as well as visiting their friend Tristan Anderson in an Israeli hospital 
where he has been ever since being shot in the head by an Israeli 
soldier with a high-velocity tear gas canister while protesting against 
the separation wall in the West Bank.  Before heading to Kurdistan, 
Sarah worked with Iraqi refugees, while Shane reported on the U.S.'s 
creation of death squads in Iraq for The Nation.

Having never met Josh, I unfortunately know less about him.  He spent 
time at the Aprovecho Research Center working on issues such as 
sustainable agriculture, food justice, and permaculture.  He is deeply 
committed to issues of ecology and truly democratic politics.

Sarah, Shane, and Josh are not three random Americans.  They are allies 
in the struggle for a better world.  And right now they are in a dire 
situation.  In that spirit, I ask for your help.  If you're anti-war, 
anti-capitalist, anti-occupation, help free the hikers.  If you oppose 
sexism, racism, and homophobia, help free the hikers.  If you believe in 
environmental justice and ecological sustainability, help free the 
hikers.  We need them out of there so they can be fighting with us here. 
  Please visit www.freethehikers.org to sign the petition, send letters 
to the U.S. and Iranian governments, and get in touch to help organize 
actions to protest their detention and demand their release.
Scott Campbell is a graduate student at NYU.  He writes and posts 
translations at his blog Angry White Kid: angrywhitekid.blogs.com.

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