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Weekly Worker 816 Thursday May 06 2010
Class consciousness rekindled
Esen Uslu reports on the massive May Day demonstration in Istanbul

For the first time since 1978 workers in Turkey celebrated May Day 
2010 by marching to Taksim Square, the traditional rallying point 
of the militant working class. Hundreds of thousands gathered in a 
peaceful, legal rally after decades of bans.

Historically the attitude of various governments towards May Day 
demonstrations has been indicative of their own insecurity and, 
ironically, that applies to the soft Islamists of the AKP 
government. The AKP (Justice and Development Party) is undoubtedly 
under huge pressure and is desperately looking for allies as it 
attempts to resist the pro-junta right.

When the Turkish nationalist bourgeois republic was established in 
1923 amid the ruins of the Ottoman empire, the nascent government 
was in an unenviable position. On the one hand, it was the 
continuation of the military and civilian bureaucracy of Ottoman 
rule and consequently had to bear the weight of the atrocities 
committed against the non-Muslim peoples of the empire: the 1915 
Armenian genocide; the forced dislocation of Greek Orthodox 
Christians from Western Anatolia; and the subsequent mutual 
population exchange between Greece and Turkey.

On the other hand, the new government - located in Anatolia, not 
the industrial and commercial centres, such as Istanbul and Izmir 
- had managed to survive by allying with the Soviet Union, despite 
their mutual dislike. May Day in 1923 was celebrated in Istanbul 
with the participation of workers’ organisations, but in Ankara it 
was organised as an official occasion. And, as the years passed, 
the independent working class movement and trade unions were 
suppressed, and the Kurdish national struggle developed into a 
revolt which was brutally suppressed.

In 1924 holding May Day rallies became an offence punishable by 
long terms of imprisonment. And, when in 1926 Turkey adopted a new 
penal code based on Mussolini’s, involvement in the organisation 
of any independent working class event became punishable by death.

The first May Day rally following half a century of such 
repression was massive. Held in Istanbul in 1976, it was organised 
by the Revolutionary Trade Union Confederation (Disk) with the 
participation of all progressive people. It was an anathema for 
the reactionary and fascist forces.
Bloody May Day

A year later, the 1977 Istanbul May Day rally was brutally 
dispersed by gangs organised and armed by the intelligence arms of 
the state, who fired upon the 500,000 crowd. This caused 
tremendous panic and, as people sought to escape, the security 
forces in their armoured vehicle, with sirens blaring, drove into 
the crowd and launched stun grenades. Thirty-six people were 
killed - crushed under the wheels of the armoured vehicles or 
shot. That operation marked an important milestone, paving the way 
for the military junta to take power in 1980.

Despite all the odds, a similar sized crowd courageously showed 
their defiance by demonstrating on May Day 1978 in the same square 
with renewed determination. The rally was marked by the forceful 
demand of the illegal Communist Party of Turkey for the 
century-old ban on its existence to be lifted.

In early 1979 state-sponsored terrorist atrocities committed 
against Alevis and Kurds in Maras and other cities led to the 
declaration of martial law by the civilian government. Holding a 
May Day rally in Istanbul was prohibited. The trade unions opted 
to hold it instead in Izmir, which was not under martial law at 
the time. Despite the ban the leaders of Workers Party of Turkey 
(TIP) attempted to march to Taksim Square, despite the curfew in 
Istanbul. Dozens of militants were bundled into police vehicles.

In 1980 the trade union centre decided not to hold a single, 
central May Day rally, preferring to hold several rallies in 
provincial centres. However, the masses were already feeling the 
effects of the initial shock waves of the impending catastrophe 
and the rallies were quite small in number. Later in the year the 
military junta took over and banned all May Day rallies without 

Until 1988 no attempt was made to organise anything on May 1, but 
even in that year things were frustrated by the arrest of the 
trade union organisers. In 1989 police opened fire on small groups 
trying to reach Taksim Square, and one student was killed. In 1990 
a similar attempt was made and one girl was paralysed after being 
shot by the police.

The next attempt to organise a May Day event was made in 1993 and 
for three years very restricted rallies were held in Istanbul in 
different locations. In 1996 one was organised in Kadikoy and the 
police again opened fire, killing three people.

Since then every year police have brutally suppressed any attempt 
to hold a rally in Taksim Square. The most they were prepared to 
permit was a commemorative gathering in a corner of the square, 
where a small contingent of trade union representatives were 
allowed to honour the martyrs of May Day 1977.
Changed climate

This year the AKP has felt the need to win public support for its 
proposed constitutional amendments. It is continuing to defend its 
corner against the nationalist-racist, reactionary, pro-junta 
forces, which are represented in the political arena by the 
fascist Nationalist Action Party (MHP), as well as the so-called 
‘social democratic’ Republican People’s Party (CHP), while their 
covert support is found in the military and civilian bureaucracy.

However, government policy has vacillated between political 
gestures - the so-called ‘overtures’ to Kurds, Armenia, Alevis, 
Christian minorities, etc - and its reactionary instincts and 
inclinations. It readily adopted the repressive measures suggested 
by the national security council, consisting of army tops and 
government representatives: for example, the recent rhetoric about 
deporting thousands of illegal workers from Armenia has marked the 
end of the ‘Armenian overture’. Similarly a series of court cases 
against Kurdish guerrillas, who were invited back from the 
mountains of Iraq and allowed into the country with much fanfare 
last year, but are now accused of “conducting propaganda of a 
banned organisation”, marked the end of the ‘Kurdish overture’.

Despite the claims of the liberal press that the AKP is the only 
democratic force in the country that is capable of breaking with 
the bad old ways, the gap between the rhetoric and actions of the 
AKP government is widening and its false liberal credentials are 
being exposed by the day. It has been walking a tightrope. It is 
in this context that we should view its sop to the working class 
of declaring May Day an official holiday and allowing the trade 
unions to hold a joint May Day rally in Taksim Square. The police 
and security forces were held back.

And the trade union-organised rally won huge support. A generation 
of old militants who had taken part in the demonstrations in the 
same square in the 70s returned to commemorate their fallen 
comrades and show their grandchildren where they were on Bloody 
May Day 1977. The nostalgia of the older generation aside, the 
younger generation finally felt something had been achieved.

However, the demonstration showed the left in its true state - in 
tatters. Its fragmented parts, neither willing nor able to 
organise unitedly, were exposed as what they are - relics of a 
bygone age, each distinguished by their separate slogans of 
yesteryear. Their efforts to support practical working class 
struggles are deflected and warped.

All in all, though, May Day 2010 marks a positive step towards a 
new consciousness. The working class is frustrated by the 
impotence that fragmentation produces. It is not content with 
curtailed trade union and political rights graciously conceded by 
the ‘liberal’ AKP. It will not be bought off by the palliatives of 
the government and demands, instead, genuine, substantitive change.

Working class militants will continue to call for a secular and 
democratic republic. They will continue to uphold the national 
rights of the Kurds and fight for an end to discrimination against 
all minorities. Their task is more than ever to bring all these 
forces together in an organisation that looks beyond the horizons 
set by the bourgeoisie.

The working class of Turkey must strive for greater unity in 
struggle with its counterparts across the globe. It must move 
beyond simple economic demands, and embrace the democratic culture 
of the international working class in the battle for the most 
advanced politics and organisational structures.

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