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  Limited Program of Maoists Cannot Present a Viable Answer to Unlimited War
- Rajesh Tyagi / 1 May 2010

Maoist attack on Alpha Company of 62nd Battalion of the CRPF at Dantewara in
Chhattisgarh on 6th April 2010, which wiped out around the whole company
formation, leaving 76 dead, has shaken the Indian government, the government
of capitalists and landlords, to the hilt. The attack, which took the
unprecedented toll upon the armed forces of the state, has come amidst the
boasting by the Minister of Interior, P.Chidambaram, that his government is
determined to liquidate the ‘naxal terror’. The attack has not only
demoralised the armed forces of the state, specially those engaged in
‘liquidation’ of naxals, but has triggered a fully blown up crisis among the
ruling classes. The jolt was so powerful, that in the immediate aftermath of
it, the Minister of Home had to offer his resignation, saying that
“something has gone terribly very wrong”.

After the attack, many in the elite camp have already started to lose faith
in the policy and prospects of the war unleashed by the government, leaving
only the rabid right wing sections of the establishment, still screaming for
more bloodbath. Remarkably, this scream finds its echo in the camp of
Stalinists, where the leaders of CPI and CPI(M) not only declare their
unconditional and all out support to the barbaric and genocidal policy of
the Central Government, but themselves execute the same pro-investor and
anti-working class policies through the government under them in West
Bengal. Stalinist leaders have virtually joined hands with the government of
capitalists, to create an ‘investor friendly’ environment through
suppression of all ‘dissent’, with armed might.

The government run by the Indian elite, has recently escalated its war
efforts to clear the ground of all sorts of resistance in peripheral
regions, to ensure more conducive atmosphere for huge investments. During
last year only, the Central Government has deployed 57 battalions of central
security forces in the regions they describe as ‘troubled zones’ spread over
the eastern part of the country in six states and covering more than one
third of the whole country. This is in addition to, and despite the heavy
presence of the police force under the respective state governments, already
mobilised in this region on a huge scale. This heavy deployment of the state
armed forces has virtually militarised the whole region and has created a
war-like situation.

The war, unleashed by the Indian ruling elite in the tribal regions of the
country, is an inseparable part of the overall military expedition of world
capitalism, imposed by it against poorest of the poor, in backward
peripheral territories of the world. From Afghanistan and Iraq to Waziristan
in Pakistan and upto India, everywhere the same war is being imposed, the
aim of which is nothing but to seek absolute domination for world capital
and open up ‘all doors’ for investment and capitalist expropriations. From
phosphorus bombs to killer Drones, ever new weapons are being added to its
arsenal by the world bourgeois.

The old equilibrium achieved by Imperialism after World War-II, with active
assistance of Stalinist regimes in Russia and Eastern Europe, is shattered
after destruction of these regimes. With metro centres of capitalism
becoming over saturated, the world capital, in order to stabilise the
profits, is seeking ever new avenues for its investments in backward
peripheries of the world, where the national governments, under the economic
and political compulsions, are forced to assist the international capital in
this hunt. They are lured to open and turn over their territories more and
more, to the world capital, as platforms of cheaper labour and raw
materials. Governments of all backward and ex-colonial countries are in
rat-race against each other to provide more ‘investment friendly’ atmosphere
and opportunities to world capital, in their respective countries. This they
venture through offering human and natural resources at cheaper rates,
subsidies, concessions, lowering of life standards of their working classes,
and of course their readiness to crush the resistance of workers and toilers
against the exploitation.

The pro-investment neo-liberal policies of the national governments in
backward countries, coupled with sharp decline in costs of transportation
and communication, the world over, have prepared very conducive environment
for entry of world capital into remote backward regions on the globe. The
most backward regions are thus being dragged by the forces of market into
the great whirlpool of world capitalism.

Most backward regions on the globe are thus intruded through big investments
of capital, with most advanced logistics produced by capitalism, at their
disposal. Gigantic forces of modern capitalism which had outgrown the
centres of world economy long ago in history and since have continued to
decay in centres, suddenly come face to face, with the most primitive modes
of life and patterns of production and consumption in most backward regions
of the world.

Absolutely uncontrolled and merciless expropriation of human and natural
resources thus starts at the hands of capitalist corporations, and with it
starts the profound social conflagration. Capitalist corporations oust the
native population from everything they can and force the poor habitants to
pauperisation, starvation and suicides. Exclusion of indigenous toilers from
the bare necessities, especially forced acquisitions of the lands by the
corporations, and displacement of people, erodes the old patterns of life
and forces the toilers to put resistance to intrusion of corporations. As
the State enters the scene to crush this resistance to perpetrate the
exploitation, the whole situation becomes extremely explosive.

Huge investments of capital in India, at least in six of its states, mostly
backward tribal regions, have served virtual death warrants upon the poor
habitants. Innumerable contracts of mining and forest, the acquisitions of
communal lands, etc. have virtually deprived the natives of all their
customary means of livelihood. Much trumpeted rehabilitation of the
uprooted, remains elusive, and so the promises of ‘inclusive growth’.

Huge ventures and infrastructure of corporations is raised alongside or in
place of the thatched huts of rural poors and tribals, where the whole
social scenario presents itself into a social ladder, with extreme poverty
and deprivation on one of its end, with extreme riches on the other.
Profound social crisis is thus triggered with the chasm between the two
distinct worlds existing side by side and is flared up by intervention of
the state with its armed forces in favour of the rich and against the poor
and exploited.

In the setting of extreme backwardness of region and its habitants, to their
advantage, not only the capitalist corporations seek super profits through
legal and illegal squeezing of the whole region, but the officials of the
state, the supervisors of this exploitation, add to this every possible form
and means of human degradation and crude exploitation-including sexual
exploitation of women.

Pockets of resistance, thus emerge against the efforts of the bourgeois
state to ravish these peripheries. The poor people are forced into a war of
resistance, a war of bare survival, a war very genuine in essence, but
equally unequal and consequentially desperate.

Needless to say, that given the leadership of working class, capable to
integrate them around it, these zones of resistance have immense potential
to get multiplied in thousands to become powerful lever for a proletarian
revolution. However, in absence of such leadership, they remain isolated in
their own shell, and consequently incapable to develop into an all national
uprising against the power of capitalists and landlords. Worse, in absence
of a working class party armed with a revolutionary program, the partisan
uprisings fail to bring their revolutionary side as auxiliaries of
proletarian struggle for power, and depict only their reactionary side, i.e.
the defence of primitive forms of economy as against the most advanced modes
of production at the helm of modern capitalism. Independently and on their
own, incapable to bring an edge against the rule of the bourgeois, these
movements confine themselves to the pitiable and desperate repulsion to the
advance of capital to the peripheries, a cause which has no prospects of
success and has to be lost, today or tomorrow.

Deprived of the leadership and program of urban proletariat, these local
movements of very limited amplitude, in defence of pre-capitalist forms, can
only resist and thereby slow down the process of capitalist development,
prolong its life span and thus can only delay its extermination at the hands
of working class.

The Maoist Bureaucracy having no political idea and program against the rule
of bourgeois, simply adapts itself to these partisan struggles of peasantry
and raises the banner of their limited and local demands. How much these
struggles, armed or unarmed, may appear radical in their form, they fail to
bring forth a real program of social revolution, directed against the rule
of capital. This explains the root political cause of failure of peasant
revolts from Telangana to Naxalbari.

Time and again sections of tribals and peasantry had risen in revolt against
the rule of exploiters, but only in this partisan manner and with a very
limited program of concessions and reforms. Given the historic inability of
the peasantry, to rise as a class on all national scale, bourgeois succeeded
in defeating these partisan struggles easily, one after the other. The more
the peasant struggles move forward, the more they depict their historic
inability to capture power against the might of capital and trigger a social

Without the leadership of the working class, the partisan struggles of
tribals, peasants, dalits and other sections of poor toilers, can never
develop into a nationwide uprising, sufficient to overturn capitalism!

It is in these struggles, that Maoists seek their political base, to
constitute themselves into a political bureaucracy, erect a command
structure, disorient the columns of revolutionary fighters and mislead the
whole revolutionary process turning it away from the working class and its
program of ‘permanent revolution’. Instead of taking up the struggle to
overturn capitalism, Maoists search for routes to escape the ‘ills’ of
capitalism, under false notions of ‘new democracy’ and amazingly in
conjunction with sections of bourgeois and its parties.

Given the political void, created by the absence of a proletarian movement
capable to consolidate the partisan struggles of poor and toiling masses
around it, Maoists find it convenient to substitute themselves for the
working class and build themselves upon the very shallow foundations and
reactionary side of these struggles, which in any case, do not even touch
upon the contours of capitalism. This includes chiefly their support for
defence of the primitive modes of life, property and the existence as a
whole. It is not of any political significance if this program is executed
through armed or unarmed, violent or non-violent means. Sometimes these
struggles may appear to be very radical, given their violent opposition to
those in power, but the point is that in any case, even at their climax,
these movements on their own cannot aim at deposing the capitalists from

Maoists-the protagonists of the ‘Chinese Path’, possess a misconceived
notion of revolutionary process in China and elsewhere and thus deny the
need for an independent and leading role for the working class in impending
political revolution. Instead of turning to the working class for such
leadership, they adapt themselves to myriad forms of struggles of the poor,
in pursuit of their very limited and narrow aims and program.

In the name of ‘new democracy’, which is nothing but the road leading to the
old bourgeois democracy in essence, Maoists dissociate themselves from the
great historic mission of proletariat-the overturn of capitalism. Firmly
entrenched in the bogus Stalinist ‘two stage theory’ of revolution, Maoists
deny the need for a proletarian revolution, for advancing the struggle for a
proletarian dictatorship. On the contrary they profess to take power in
collaboration with ‘national bourgeois’, which in their opinion is an ally
of revolution. They are not for overturning of capitalism and private
property, rather they seek its preservation. Like Stalinists, they too
zealously seek ‘progressive’ sections among the bourgeois, and always remain
adherent to one or the other section of bourgeois. If yesterday Mayawati’s
BSP qualified their criteria of progressive ally, today it is Mamata
Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress. Their ‘new democratic revolution’ does not go
beyond the narrow Menshevik confines of bourgeois democracy.

The erstwhile People’s War Group (PWG), the predecessor to CPI(Maoist),
helped Y.S. Rajshekhar Reddy of the Congress party to win the assembly
elections trouncing N.Chandrababu Naidu of the Telugu Desam Party. Having
won the elections with thumping majority, YSR led congress government
half-heartedly proposed ‘talks’ inviting the Maoists to abandon the struggle
and within weeks of the “collapse” of talks, senior leaders of the Maoists
were shot dead. YSR raised the ‘Greyhounds’ which drenched this friendship
in blood. Maoists then spared Bahujan Samaj Party from attacks, during
Parliamentary elections and permitted it to campaign while banning all

The erstwhile Maoist Communist Center (MCC), another constituent of the
CPI(Maoist), with its base in Bihar and Jharkhand, has a history of
remaining adherent to various caste and identity based political formations.
Its role in the local elections, underlines the flawed politics of Maoists.
This has recently come up in Jharkhand in their tacit understanding with and
support to Shibu Soren, during the assembly elections.

Their open alliance and support to Trinamool Congress (TMC) in West Bengal
is perhaps the starkest of all. They had worked hand in hand with this rabid
agent of bourgeois, on the pretext to dislodge the CPM. This paved the way
to victory for TMC candidates in recent Parliamentary elections. But when
immediately after the elections, the central forces unleashed repression
upon the Maoists, and Kishenji called for help, while TMC remained partner
in Central Government, TMC leaders just looked away.

Maoists oppose the intrusion of capitalism to backward peripheries from its
advanced centres, and in that they base themselves upon the popular notion
that there can be good escape from the ‘ills’ of capitalism, while denying
the need to take up the struggle for overturn of the power of capitalism at
its core centres, as immediate agenda of the revolution. Instead of pushing
capitalism forward to its graveyard, Maoists hold it back, block its march
to gallows, and thus prolong its life, making the birth of new socialist
society belated and thus more and more painful.

Destiny of toiling masses, exploited and ravaged under the rule of
capitalists and landlords, remains inseparably bound with that of the
working class and depends upon it, upon its victories and defeats, its ups
and downs, in its life and death struggle against capitalist power.
Liberation of toiling masses, from the clutches of capitalism, is not
possible except through a successful struggle of working class at the
centres of capitalism. Partisan struggles of poor toilers, the tribals,
peasants, dalits, and women at peripheries, can only be elevated to a
successful uprising for their liberation, which only can realize the
aspirations of the poor, through their consolidation around the struggle of
working class in the centres, for political power.

Maoists, pitiably deny this leading and conclusive role for the working
class in theory. In practice, they turn their back upon the struggles of
working class at the centres and orient themselves towards the backward
peripheries. While denying an independent role for working class from
bourgeois and petty bourgeois influences, Maoists seek independence of
partisan struggles from the leadership of working class itself.

Maoists preclude the idea of working class leadership on the false pretext
of ‘protracted war’, in which urban working class has no role to play except
that of an appendage to the ‘peasant war’. Maoists bypass the working class
and substitute their para-military command structure, for the leadership of
working class. They make a fetish out of the tactics of protracted war- a
war completely dissociated from the working class and its struggle for

City would lead the village, industry the agriculture and thus the city
proletariat would lead the peasantry. But the Maoists, overlook this
historic truth to build their castles in the air. Their program reveals an
amalgam of Narodist and Menshevik program. Towards capitalism, their whole
approach is based upon resisting its advance, in defence of petty producers
and to save them from ruin. Demands in their program thus do not go beyond a
softer hand and benevolent face for capitalism.

Insurgency under the leadership of Maoists offers no way forward for the
working class, neither for the mass of toilers. They are politically
retrograde Nationalist-Stalinist movement who consciously reject the
struggle for political independence and hegemony of the working class. They
rely upon partisan war based upon the rural mass, having no faith in the
strength and no understanding of the role of working class.

The more these peasant struggles move ahead, the more would they reveal the
political bankruptcy of the Maoists and the inability of the peasantry to
liberate itself from the shackles of capitalism. The more peasantry would
rise in revolt, the more there would be need for the proletariat to stand at
the head of these scattered revolts, to consolidate them around its own
political struggle against the bourgeois regime, and to imbue the partisan
revolts with a real program of social revolution. The more the need for the
working class leadership, the more Maoists would find themselves

As the resistance of poor toilers against their exploiters would grow, it
itself would reveal, with more and more clarity, the farce of petty
bourgeois doctrines including Maoism alongside the inability of the toiling
masses to liberate themselves from the stranglehold of capitalism, on their
own, i.e. without the leadership of the working class. The more the
struggles of toilers would advance against the capitalists, the more the
need would be felt for this leadership of proletariat and above all, its
party, armed with revolutionary Marxism. In inverse proportion to these
struggles, the distorted and degenerated variants of Marxism, both Stalinism
and Maoism, would get evaporated, vacating the political stage for
revolutionary Marxism.

In saying this, we do not intend to draw a parallel between Stalinists and
Maoists. While Stalinists, the CPI-CPM have consciously and conveniently
adapted to parliamentary cretinism, we recognise that there are lot many
sincere people among the Maoists who are ready to stake their lives for the
great cause of liberation of the poor and for a social revolution, though
with completely distorted notions of such revolutionary process and its
historic trajectory. The two cannot be equated for that. But this does not
prevent us from pointing out that both of them, claim their origin to the
same political soil, arising out chiefly of the decomposition of the Third
International under Stalin. Both of them owe their allegiance to the
politics of Stalinist Comintern, Kremlin and Beijing bureaucracies, the
united Communist Party of India, the ‘two stage theory’ of revolution, the
alliance with sections of national bourgeois, the two class 'democratic
dictatorship', the farce of ‘socialism in one country’ etc. etc. Thus it is
the same politics which Stalinists toe inside the parliament, that the
Maoists take to villages and forests. Both of them are rooted politically in
the same soil. This politics, in its essence, is the politics of adherence
to this or that sections of bourgeois and denial of a decisive struggle
against their rule.

Centrist politics of Stalinists and Maoists, never remained in conformity
with the destiny of the working class. It is not amazing that both of them
have recorded historic successes, only upon the defeats of the working
class. Stalinism had staged its entry on world political scene, right at the
time when the revolutionary tide triggered by the Great October Revolution
had gone into the ebb, after defeat of German Revolution. Echoing the
aspirations of bureaucracy, which longed only to consume the fruits of
October revolution and thus demanded abandonment of the program of world
socialist revolution, Stalinism unfurled the banner of ‘socialism in one
country’ as Nationalist retrograde antithesis to the great dream of world
proletarian revolution. Maoism, the Chinese variant of Stalinism, in its
turn emerged on the back of the defeat of heroic uprising of the proletariat
in Chinese cities, and its complete annihilation at the hands of Kuomintang
in 1925-27. Needless to say, that these defeats were sown and facilitated
and perpetuated by the Stalinist Comintern itself, its capitulation to the
national bourgeois, and its total inability to understand and estimate the
alignment of class forces.

Extreme exploitation of working people at the hands of capitalists-landlords
and the betrayals of Stalinist CPI and later CPI(M)paved the way for
disillusionment of the masses and their turning away from political
struggles. A Trojan horse for Stalinist policies, the united CPI had
remained a dead shell incapable of leading the working and toiling masses to
revolution, rather became an instrument to hold back the masses from
political struggle against the rule of capitalists. Maoists, though
abandoned Stalinist parties, but not the program of Stalinism itself. They
never challenged bogus fundamentals of Stalinism and even after their
organisational split in a separate party in 1969, they never attacked the
foundations of Stalinism. They remained adherent to program of Stalinism. In
fact, all these split away groups of Stalinist CPI, like other parties of
Stalinist Comintern, competed with each other in appeasing the Kremlin or
Beijing bureaucracies armed with narrow nationalist outlook, and failed to
put up a revolutionary struggle for hegemony of International working class
and a world proletarian revolution.

Repeated feelers being sent by Maoists to the government, before and after
the attack of Dantewara, showing their extreme eagerness for talks and
negotiations, are demonstrative of the unwillingness of Maoists to carry
forward the revolution to the end, to turn the bourgeois power upside down.
On the contrary, Maoists are zealously seeking ways and means for a midway
settlement with bourgeois establishment. While paying lip service to the
cause of a social revolution, the Maoists, in projection of their demands to
the government, are proposing a petty program of social reforms, limited to
the confines of capitalism.

In any case, false hopes in Maoism would be shattered either in case of its
victory (1949 China) or in case of a debacle (2008 Nepal). This path is
bound to lead to stabilisation and re-stabilisation of the power in the
hands of bourgeois, either through a direct systemic failure due to its
unrealizable program of ‘new democracy’ or ‘peoples democracy’(Nepal) or
growing over of this ‘new democracy’ into the folds of old bourgeois
democracy in no time (China). However, the historic tragedy of Maoism is
that whatever limited role it could play as local agency of Stalinist
bureaucracy in China, it could not play in Nepal. The role it played in
Nepal, it would never be able to play in India.

The war of Capitalists and their government upon the poor in India, is the
part of global war agenda of world capitalism, being imposed upon poorest of
the poor on the globe on the false premises of countering ‘terrorism’. The
war of bourgeois thus being global and permanent in its character, the
limited nationalist program of Maoists is no match to it. ‘Permanent
revolution’, the only genuine political program of the proletariat, is the
only answer to the unlimited and permanent war unleashed by the world
capital on the globe as a whole, and peripheries in particular.
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