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‘Riot-Dog’: Protest pooch becomes icon of Greek solidarity

By Stephen C. Webster
Saturday, May 8th, 2010 -- 3:52 pm

Revolutionary-era Americans had the "Join or Die" snake. Iran's green
revolution rallied around the death of Neda Agha-Soltan. Ukraine's
orange revolution exploded after the poisoning of Victor Yushchenko.

In a Greece struggling amidst the throes of draconian, IMF-led
budgetary cutbacks, another symbol of revolution is rising. They call
him either "Riot-Dog" or "Rebel-Dog", depending on the source.

With a national debt topping 300 billion Euros, a looming EU-IMF
bailout at $140 billion or more and frequent rioting over the
country's agreement to a massive austerity plan, the pooch seems to be
gaining traction among protesters as an image of solidarity.

The canine's real name is Kanellos and, according to published
accounts, he's acquired quite a taste for civil unrest, having made an
appearance at virtually every major Greek protest and riot over the
last two years.

Kanellos has cropped up in photos taken by news agencies spanning the
globe, including Agence France-Presse, Reuters, Getty Images, the
Associated Press and others. Thanks to his seemingly ubiquitous
presence in the streets and the images of chaos in which he's
participated, "Riot-Dog" is gaining fans quickly.

For one, a "Riot-Dog" fan page on Facebook was on the threshold of
10,000 friends at time of this writing. A Greek Tumblr page dedicated
to "Rebel Dog" features a long series of photos showing Kanellos'
exploits in the midst of recent unrest. He was even the subject of his
own photo feature in The Guardian UK.

Similar posts appeared on Democrat blog network DailyKos, BuzzFeed and
This Blog Rules in recent days.

Then, there's a video uploaded to YouTube on March 11, 2010 that shows
Kanellos fearlessly running up to and harrying riot police atop
motorcycles as they blockade a street, wagging his tail the whole way.
His portion runs from 1:30 - 2:20 in the clip below.

He is also the source of several musical tributes on YouTube,
featuring loads of Greek text and numerous photos of Kanellos plunging
headlong into the contested streets.

"This dog has been in the streets more times than the entire
'progressive' movement combined," Kos blogger RenderQT scoffed, noting
his photo spread was a tribute to "the Greek Dog of Protest."

"Can we get a little less fiscal reporting (boring) and a little more
Riot Dog reporting"? BuzzFeed added.

There is some reasonable doubt about Kanellos's identity, with some
suggesting that images circulating of the "Riot-Dog" are actually two
different yet similar-looking pooches with the same proclivities for

"While one can't be certain that it's the same pooch at every protest
— Athens is something of a magnet for street-savvy stray dogs — this
mutt does sport a distinctive blue collar, which may indicate that,
while he's a stray, he's also current on his shots," noted Yahoo News
contributor Brett Michael Dykes.

With the country in urgent need of nine billion euros (11 billion
dollars) by May 19 to service existing debt, Greek PM George
Papandreou reported with relief early Saturday that rescue funds would
arrive within days.

"In the following days, Greece will receive the first tranche of the
110 billion euros from the EU and the IMF," Papandreou said after an
emergency late-night summit of euro leaders in Brussels.

"This will allow us to implement our (austerity) programme and our
reforms," he underlined.

Politics nonwithstanding, the symbol of Kanellos, the Greek dog of
protest -- be he one stray or two -- has given an entirely new meaning
to the act of "hounding" the police.
[interesting comment:]

      Unlike the US progressive movement Riot Dog Kanellos (and his
avatars) isn't all bark, no bite.

      President Obama is decrying iPods and XBoxes instead of his own
failures to stop mimicking Bush at every turn.

      He decries the educational gaps between blacks and other
Americans yet has a hack from Chicago heading his Education Department
and is doing little to improve the living conditions of the majority
of black Americans or working-class or poor Americans for that matter,
instead pushing neoliberal options at every turn. Wall Street wins,
black people and everyone else suffers.

      He promised to bring the troops home from Iraq and close Gitmo,
to have a public insurance health option and to fight against offshore
drilling, to bring down unemployment and stop the volcano of
foreclosures. Instead he's done the exact opposite on every turn.

      The problem isn't technology, it's apathy and two major parties
that betray the people at every turn. Maybe all of us, including
Obama, need to learn something from Riot Dog.

Some photos:




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