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Very interesting post, Ian.  I myself think that we also need to factor in
some analysis of the 35% who did not vote and also to constantly bear in
mind that Toryism in the working class would appear to be an English
problem. Admittedly I say that as an Irishman with a deal too much

As to how to react to Labour's defeat my thinking on the matter was heavily
influenced by the Tony Wood NLR article Good Riddance to New Labour that Lou
posted. So for me it is good riddance to Mandelson, Blair, Brown and all
that slew of pigs at the trough.

I have also finally decided that it is good that the Lib-Dems went with the
Tories. It clarifies things nicely.  It has also produced an incredible
amount of tortured bad faith in the pages of the Guardian, especially in
Polly Toynbee's column.

I tried to force myself to read David Milliband's statements but I couldn't.
My prediction remains, though, that he will try to do a balance between New
Labour and also to revive some of the links with the working class. that
might make for a few left sounding statements, but that is all they will be.
the golden rule is that all will be done with an eye to what the media and
the ruling class regard as acceptable.

As to what now?  Well the working class will have to learn to resist. It is
as simple and as difficult as that.  Something like the Poll tax
demonstrations is needed.  And I believe in my heart it will come.

On the cultural level I keep thinking that it is a mistake for the ruling
class to have the Cameron -Clegg clone act so visible. They do sound so
exclusively private school types. They may think they are born to lead, but
in the coming emergency their background means that they will not be able to
represent the "National Interest" despite all their rhetoric.  How can their
calls for sacrifice have purchase, even with the English?

Your post also had a good deal on the middle class or petit bourgeois.  We
have to bear in mind that this group is going to be hammered as well as the
working class. What impact this will have on their consciousness will be
linked to how the working class respond.  If the workers are tough and
decisive and brave, the middle class will slide in behind them, as their
"leaders" of course.

comradely regards

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