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In a message dated 5/21/2010 7:20:48 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
l...@panix.com writes:

DL: I think the major flaw of the Marxist regimes is that they have placed  
too much emphasis on the need to destroy the ruling class, on class 
struggle,  and this causes them to encourage hatred and to neglect compassion. 
Although  their initial aim might have been to serve the cause of the majority, 
when they  try to implement it all their energy is deflected into 
destructive activities.  Once the revolution is over and the ruling class is 
destroyed, there is nor much  left to offer the people; at this point the 
country is impoverished and  unfortunately it is almost as if the initial aim 
were to become poor. I think  that this is due to the lack of human solidarity 
and compassion. The principal  disadvantage of such a regime is the 
insistence placed on hatred to the  detriment of compassion. 
The Church has survived more modes of production than Evel Keneivel  
survived crash landing.  Ultimately Evel gave up the flesh in 2007. 
The value relations has hit the wall of history. This wall of history is  
the rise of a qualitatively new technology regime calling forth social  
revolution. A section of every ruling class completes the leap to a new mode of 
production, while serving as an agent - social force, destroying the old  
production relations or what is called social relations of production. 
Nor are the political minion of the bourgeoisie ignorant. The more astute  
are fully aware that wealth is being generated on a massive planet wide 
basis  outside the production of surplus value, unless one thinks the new 
non-banking  financial architecture is some mirage or bad joke fit for a 
screen  play. Ain’t no value being created by this new financial 
architecture   brother. This is not to say the productive capital exists in 
with zero  connection in the sea of modern finance. Show me the surplus 
Aaaahhhhhh the money form of wealth is wealth even when there is no surplus 
 value embodied in it.
It is wealth, or rather the social power attached to wealth. 
Remember when an asset was brick and mortar and a labor force rather than a 
 mathematical equation about a "package of potential" that has a potential 
to  return "X" amount of cash flow based on a generalized presumption of 
default and  the value of default if it is insured by some third and fourth 
What happened to those good ole day when one went on strike for better  
wages and conditions and ran the risk of getting the crap kicked out of you by  
company goons and the police? You remember those day of civil rights and  
euphoric  feelings of emancipation and completing Lincoln’s vision based on  
proletarian insurgency. 
You wake up one morning and some clever fellows have combined four chemical 
 in a bottle and enacted a scenario  that causes the chemical to pass the  
threshold - leap, to organic life. The capitalist crying like a mutchfuckers 
 screaming "how do I suppose to make a profit under these conditions?" 
The proletarians wondering if this new organic life form taste like chicken 
 if you stir fry it and put hot sauce and those eleven secret species, or 
rather  spices on it. 
"Do that come with biscuits and gravy and a side of mash potatoes." 
We are undergoing the evolutionary/revolutionary leap to a new mode of  
production based on the revolutionary leap in the means of production and the  
battle is over the new forms of wealth in society. The bourgeoisie seeks a 
form  of wealth that preserves its rule as ruling class. These mutherfuckers 
- a  section of the ruling class made manifest in intelligence and the 
state, will  jettison bourgeois property and the wage labor form (commodity 
like a bad  habit to preserve themselves as rulers. 
And I’m stuck trying to figure out some old trade union crap at ground  
zero. I freaking hate this. Right when you start to get a handle on things, 
that  means it has changed. Yea, yea, yea . . . The first visible phase of a 
process  is its second stage. Or you could not see it. 
Yea . . . I know. 
When the Dalai Lama goes over to Marxism or what is the same, a materialist 
 conception of revolution in the mode of production, and speaks of the need 
for  new social relations of production - in his laid back Buddhist manner, 
it is  time to reboot revolutionary Marxism. 
Something has changed profoundly. 

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