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        Despite what was posted under this subject heading, the incompetence of 
NOAA (a bureaucracy shaped by the Bush administration that Obama 
inherited) and this administration's craven coddling of BP do not a "war 
on science" make.

        The scientists I've had contact with are very pleased with this 
administration, specifically in the fields of climate change and the 
space program.

        Right-wing cowboys like Neil Armstrong (who transformed one step into a 
lifetime gravy train) may get all the headlines for his denunciations of 
the Obama administration's re-cancellation of the Bush moon-mars 
program, but real scientists an engineers are cheering. [Re-cancellation 
because the half-baked idiocy Bush the Lesser had some "commission" 
endorse was simply the Second Coming of a Bush the Father "Space 
Exploration Initiative" (slightly) rebranded as a "Vision for Space 

        Basically, it would be a boondoggle even worse than the space shuttle 
presented as a "vision" but in reality it is just a mechanism for 
endless subsidies to military contractors.

        The planetary society and a dozen other science/space/engineering geek 
groups --and I mean the really top ones-- have backed Obama's NASA plan, 
which supposedly is that the private sector will develop low-earth-orbit 
human launch capabilities, and which *really* means the U.S. will 
contract from the Russians (and perhaps the Chinese) what it needs.

        There's a lot of genuflecting in the plan about going to Mars in some 
indefinite future, but no real work on it, apart from basic research 
with multiple applications.

        That's because there's an unsolved basic problem. Astronauts would need 
the same sort of shielding that is used around nuclear reactors. And 
that's heavy lifting beyond the capacity of any current technology.

        Yet without it, an astronaut outside the earth's magnetic field hit by 
a particle stream from a solar flare would be toast. And that's not a 

        The big plus is that the immediate program to go get *more* useless 
moon rocks would be scrapped and funds directed instead to useful 
science earth satellites and interplanetary probes.

        I know how much people really REALLY hate Obama but making the sorts of 
claims that appear on the subject line will only convince those familiar 
with the subject that Marxists are not worth taking seriously.


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