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We have seen this film played in Turkey long time ago.

Every civil disobedience, land occupation by peasants, street demonstration, 
any and all civil rights movement, even demonstrations against the US 6th fleet 
visits to Istanbul for the US sailors to enjoy the brothels, demonstrations 
against the Vietnam War, were reported by the police, ministers, prime minister 
and the head of state as "terrorist activities" of anarchists (they had not 
learned that Marxist Leninists were not anarchists yet, but that word 
"anarchist" was the boogy man of the times) and terrorists.   Entire evening 
news broadcasts were full of "sky is falling" cries detailing "terrorist" 

These civil rights movements were all led by the left movements.  Marxists, 
Leninists and Maoists collaborated to lead students, peasants, workers and 
other oppressed groups like women, civil servants, high school students, 
teachers etc.

After the full propaganda had reached its peak, a military ship was bombed and 
sunk, with "leftist propaganda" found around.  A mass attack on the left 
resulted in hundreds of student leaders, movement participants, leftists being 
arrested, tortured and prisoned.

It was also disheartening that the CPT publications and members repeated the 
government accusations against the revolutionaries.  The fashionable term used 
by the CPT against the revolutionary left was "gauchists" or "extereme 
leftists."   Their stupidity hit the peak when the Workers Party of Turkey's 
chief asked "the left to call the police when the fascists attacked," because 
resisting the police, the paramilitary or the armed fascist thugs was seen as 
"extremism" in their pathetic eyes.

Only years later, after the military coup had done its damage (one reason for 
the coup was the sinking of the ship) it was revealed that it was impossible 
for the "leftists" to have done this attack, but it was done from within the 
ship, within the military, and with knowledge of the military.

In Solidarity

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