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NY Times May 28, 2010
Communists Could Gain in Czech Vote

PRAGUE — A popular online video here called “Convince Granny” urges 
young Czechs to withhold visits to their grandparents unless the old 
folks agree not to vote for leftist parties like the Communists in 
Saturday’s elections.

Modeled on the American comic Sarah Silverman’s video “The Great 
Schlep,” which in 2008 appealed to young Jewish voters to persuade their 
grandparents to support Barack Obama in the swing state of Florida, the 
Czech video is a testament to the Communist Party’s enduring influence here.

The creators of “Convince Granny” say they conceived the video, which 
has had more than 600,000 hits since it was posted on YouTube about a 
month ago, as a necessary weapon against the ascent of the 
unreconstructed Communist Party, which recent polls indicate could win 
up to 15 percent of the vote.

In addition to the jokes about Grandma’s selective memory, the video 
implores young viewers not to forget the insidious transgressions of the 
former Communist government, from the exile of the country’s leading 
intellectuals and artists to the execution of its political enemies.

In an election that is unlikely to yield a majority for either the 
leftist Social Democrats or the rightist Civic Democrats, analysts say 
the Communist Party could come closer to real power than at any other 
time since the Velvet Revolution here overthrew Communism in 1989.

“We hate the Communists,” said Marek Prchal, 35, an advertising 
executive who helped create the video. “The Communists should have been 
banned a long time ago.”

Analysts say the Communist Party is benefiting from a regionwide 
disappointment over the failure of liberal parties to live up to the 
promises of 1989.

“The theme across the region is the politics of disillusionment,” said 
Anna Matuskova, a political consultant here. “In the Czech Republic, 
there is a new generation of young people with iPhones who don’t 
remember Communism and will vote for them as a protest vote.”

The Communist Party in this country remains the only one surviving in 
the former Eastern Bloc and, to its many critics, is a dangerous 
anachronism. The Communists still extol Lenin and Marx, and advocate the 
redistribution of wealth and the country’s disengagement from NATO, 
making the party a potential spoiler for good relations with the rest of 
Europe and the United States.

Eager to keep the Communists out of power, the Social Democrats and 
Civic Democrats may come together in a grand coalition that could lead 
to gridlock, political experts here say. But it is also possible that a 
minority Social Democratic government could come to power dependent on 
the Communist Party’s tacit support.

Several new political parties could also prove to be decisive in these 
elections: the recently created TOP 09, a fiscally conservative party 
led by Karel Schwarzenberg, a pipe-smoking prince and former foreign 
minister; and Public Matters, which has instituted patrols in Prague 
removing drug addicts and homeless people from the street.

The Communists’ secret weapon is Katerina Konecna, the youngest member 
of the Czech Parliament, who at age 28 says she feels as at home wearing 
designer black stiletto heels as she does reading Das Kapital. The 
daughter of Communist Party members, Ms. Konecna says that the current 
crisis of capitalism has proved a boon to the Communist Party among the 
young, who were drawn by its promises of free education and guaranteed jobs.

“People would rather queue up for bananas, than today, when they have to 
stand in the unemployment line,” she said.

Yet the limits of the contemporary Communists’ appeal were all too 
apparent at a rally held Thursday in front of one of the capital’s 
largest shopping malls. Jana Kocianova, 18, a would-be Czech Britney 
Spears, gyrated and belted out Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” in 
Czech, as a group of 80-something men swayed to the beat, tapping their 
canes on the pavement.

Speaking between sets, Ms. Kocianova commended the Communists’ social 
egalitarianism, even as she acknowledged that singing for them was 
problematic for her. “It’s not cool to be young and to support the 
Communist Party,” she lamented.

But she quickly added, “I wasn’t alive during Communism, so I don’t 
really remember anything.”

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